Major: - Issue #3: added raw ADC1, ADC2 values to the setScopeChannel - Issue #4: added functionality for joystick control. Middle resting potis are now supported (by default it is enabled) - Issue #6: implemented that board does not power-off after a software reset due to flashing - added Rate constraints for Input target for smoother response Minor: - added 2 beep sound when motors get enabled - minor bugfixes
191 lines
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191 lines
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* File: rateLimiter.c
* Code generated for Simulink model 'rateLimiter'.
* Model version : 1.1186
* Simulink Coder version : 8.13 (R2017b) 24-Jul-2017
* C/C++ source code generated on : Sun Oct 27 16:29:07 2019
* Target selection: ert.tlc
* Embedded hardware selection: ARM Compatible->ARM Cortex
* Emulation hardware selection:
* Differs from embedded hardware (MATLAB Host)
* Code generation objectives:
* 1. Execution efficiency
* 2. RAM efficiency
* Validation result: Not run
#include "rateLimiter.h"
#ifndef UCHAR_MAX
#include <limits.h>
#if ( UCHAR_MAX != (0xFFU) ) || ( SCHAR_MAX != (0x7F) )
#error Code was generated for compiler with different sized uchar/char. \
Consider adjusting Test hardware word size settings on the \
Hardware Implementation pane to match your compiler word sizes as \
defined in limits.h of the compiler. Alternatively, you can \
select the Test hardware is the same as production hardware option and \
select the Enable portable word sizes option on the Code Generation > \
Verification pane for ERT based targets, which will disable the \
preprocessor word size checks.
#if ( USHRT_MAX != (0xFFFFU) ) || ( SHRT_MAX != (0x7FFF) )
#error Code was generated for compiler with different sized ushort/short. \
Consider adjusting Test hardware word size settings on the \
Hardware Implementation pane to match your compiler word sizes as \
defined in limits.h of the compiler. Alternatively, you can \
select the Test hardware is the same as production hardware option and \
select the Enable portable word sizes option on the Code Generation > \
Verification pane for ERT based targets, which will disable the \
preprocessor word size checks.
#if ( UINT_MAX != (0xFFFFFFFFU) ) || ( INT_MAX != (0x7FFFFFFF) )
#error Code was generated for compiler with different sized uint/int. \
Consider adjusting Test hardware word size settings on the \
Hardware Implementation pane to match your compiler word sizes as \
defined in limits.h of the compiler. Alternatively, you can \
select the Test hardware is the same as production hardware option and \
select the Enable portable word sizes option on the Code Generation > \
Verification pane for ERT based targets, which will disable the \
preprocessor word size checks.
#if ( ULONG_MAX != (0xFFFFFFFFU) ) || ( LONG_MAX != (0x7FFFFFFF) )
#error Code was generated for compiler with different sized ulong/long. \
Consider adjusting Test hardware word size settings on the \
Hardware Implementation pane to match your compiler word sizes as \
defined in limits.h of the compiler. Alternatively, you can \
select the Test hardware is the same as production hardware option and \
select the Enable portable word sizes option on the Code Generation > \
Verification pane for ERT based targets, which will disable the \
preprocessor word size checks.
#if 0
/* Skip this size verification because of preprocessor limitation */
#error Code was generated for compiler with different sized ulong_long/long_long. \
Consider adjusting Test hardware word size settings on the \
Hardware Implementation pane to match your compiler word sizes as \
defined in limits.h of the compiler. Alternatively, you can \
select the Test hardware is the same as production hardware option and \
select the Enable portable word sizes option on the Code Generation > \
Verification pane for ERT based targets, which will disable the \
preprocessor word size checks.
extern int16_T rateLimiter_j(int16_T rtu_u, int16_T rtu_rate, DW_rateLimiter
* Constants *
#define RT_PI 3.14159265358979323846
#define RT_PIF 3.1415927F
#define RT_LN_10 2.30258509299404568402
#define RT_LN_10F 2.3025851F
#define RT_LOG10E 0.43429448190325182765
#define RT_LOG10EF 0.43429449F
#define RT_E 2.7182818284590452354
#define RT_EF 2.7182817F
* Used to specify that a function parameter (argument) is required but not
* accessed by the function body.
# if defined(__LCC__)
# define UNUSED_PARAMETER(x) /* do nothing */
# else
* This is the semi-ANSI standard way of indicating that an
* unused function parameter is required.
# define UNUSED_PARAMETER(x) (void) (x)
# endif
/* Output and update for atomic system: '<Root>/rateLimiter' */
int16_T rateLimiter_j(int16_T rtu_u, int16_T rtu_rate, DW_rateLimiter *localDW)
int16_T rtb_UnitDelay;
int16_T rtb_Sum1;
int16_T rtb_Gain;
int16_T rty_y_0;
/* UnitDelay: '<S2>/UnitDelay' */
rtb_UnitDelay = localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE;
/* Sum: '<S2>/Sum1' incorporates:
* DataTypeConversion: '<S1>/Data Type Conversion1'
rtb_Sum1 = (int16_T)((int16_T)(rtu_u << 4) - rtb_UnitDelay);
/* Switch: '<S3>/Switch2' incorporates:
* RelationalOperator: '<S3>/LowerRelop1'
if (rtb_Sum1 > rtu_rate) {
rtb_Sum1 = rtu_rate;
} else {
/* Gain: '<S1>/Gain' */
rtb_Gain = (int16_T)-rtu_rate;
/* Switch: '<S3>/Switch' incorporates:
* RelationalOperator: '<S3>/UpperRelop'
if (rtb_Sum1 < rtb_Gain) {
rtb_Sum1 = rtb_Gain;
/* End of Switch: '<S3>/Switch' */
/* End of Switch: '<S3>/Switch2' */
/* Sum: '<S2>/Sum2' */
rty_y_0 = (int16_T)(rtb_Sum1 + rtb_UnitDelay);
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S2>/UnitDelay' */
localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE = rty_y_0;
return rty_y_0;
/* Model step function */
void rateLimiter_step(RT_MODEL *const rtM)
DW *rtDW = ((DW *) rtM->dwork);
ExtU *rtU = (ExtU *) rtM->inputs;
ExtY *rtY = (ExtY *) rtM->outputs;
/* Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/rateLimiter' */
/* Outport: '<Root>/y' incorporates:
* Inport: '<Root>/rate'
* Inport: '<Root>/u'
rtY->y = (int16_T) rateLimiter_j(rtU->u, rtU->rate, &rtDW->rateLimiter_j0);
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<Root>/rateLimiter' */
/* Model initialize function */
void rateLimiter_initialize(RT_MODEL *const rtM)
/* (no initialization code required) */
* File trailer for generated code.
* [EOF]