#! /usr/bin/env lua --[[ fluksod.lua - Lua part of the Flukso daemon Copyright (C) 2011 Bart Van Der Meerssche This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ]]-- local dbg = require 'dbg' local nixio = require 'nixio' nixio.fs = require 'nixio.fs' local uci = require 'luci.model.uci'.cursor() local httpclient = require 'luci.httpclient' local data = require 'flukso.data' local arg = arg or {} -- needed when this code is not loaded via the interpreter local DEBUG = (arg[1] == '-d') local LOGMASK = 'debug' nixio.setlogmask(LOGMASK) local DAEMON = os.getenv('DAEMON') or 'fluksod' local DAEMON_PATH = os.getenv('DAEMON_PATH') or '/var/run/' .. DAEMON local DELTA_PATH = '/var/run/spid/delta' local DELTA_PATH_IN = DELTA_PATH .. '/in' local DELTA_PATH_OUT = DELTA_PATH .. '/out' local O_RDWR = nixio.open_flags('rdwr') local O_RDWR_NONBLOCK = nixio.open_flags('rdwr', 'nonblock') local O_RDWR_CREAT = nixio.open_flags('rdwr', 'creat') local POLLIN = nixio.poll_flags('in') -- parse and load /etc/config/flukso local FLUKSO = uci:get_all('flukso') local WAN_ENABLED = true local WAN_INTERVAL = 300 local LAN_ENABLED = true local TIMESTAMP_MIN = 1234567890 -- set WAN parameters local WAN_FILTER = { [1] = {}, [2] = {}, [3] = {} } WAN_FILTER[1].span = 60 WAN_FILTER[1].offset = 0 WAN_FILTER[2].span = 900 WAN_FILTER[2].offset = 7200 WAN_FILTER[3].span = 86400 WAN_FILTER[3].offset = 172800 local WAN_BASE_URL = 'https://api.flukso.net/sensor/' local WAN_KEY = '0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef' uci:foreach('system', 'system', function(x) WAN_KEY = x.key end) -- quirky but it works -- https headers local FLUKSO_VERSION = '000' uci:foreach('system', 'system', function(x) FLUKSO_VERSION = x.version end) -- quirky but it works, again local USER_AGENT = 'Fluksometer v' .. FLUKSO_VERSION local CACERT = '/etc/ssl/certs/flukso.ca.crt' -- set LAN parameters local LAN_POLISH_CUTOFF = 60 local LAN_PUBLISH_PATH = DAEMON_PATH .. '/sensor' function dispatch(wan_child, lan_child) return coroutine.create(function() local delta = { fdin = nixio.open(DELTA_PATH_IN, O_RDWR_NONBLOCK), fdout = nixio.open(DELTA_PATH_OUT, O_RDWR) } if delta.fdin == nil or delta.fdout == nil then nixio.syslog('alert', 'cannot open the delta fifos') os.exit(1) end -- acquire an exclusive lock on the delta fifos or exit if not (delta.fdin:lock('tlock') and delta.fdout:lock('tlock')) then nixio.syslog('alert', 'detected a lock on the delta fifos') os.exit(2) end local function tolua(num) return num + 1 end for line in delta.fdout:linesource() do if DEBUG then print(line) end local timestamp, data = line:match('^(%d+)%s+([%d%s]+)$') timestamp = tonumber(timestamp) for i, counter, extra in data:gmatch('(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)') do i = tonumber(i) counter = tonumber(counter) extra = tonumber(extra) -- map index(+1!) to sensor id and sensor type local sensor_id = FLUKSO[tostring(tolua(i))]['id'] local sensor_class = FLUKSO[tostring(tolua(i))]['class'] -- resume both branches if WAN_ENABLED then -- TODO send incoming pulses to syslog coroutine.resume(wan_child, sensor_id, timestamp, counter) end if LAN_ENABLED then if sensor_class == 'analog' then coroutine.resume(lan_child, sensor_id, timestamp, extra) elseif sensor_class == 'pulse' then coroutine.resume(lan_child, sensor_id, timestamp, false, counter, extra) end end -- check in the e branch whether the counter has increased, if not then discard -- chech in both branches whether timestamp has increased -- or do we override?? end end end) end function wan_buffer(child) return coroutine.create(function(sensor_id, timestamp, counter) local measurements = data.new() local threshold = os.time() + WAN_INTERVAL local previous = {} while true do if not previous[sensor_id] then previous[sensor_id] = {} -- use the first received counter value as guard previous[sensor_id].timestamp = timestamp previous[sensor_id].counter = counter end if timestamp > TIMESTAMP_MIN and timestamp > (previous[sensor_id].timestamp or 0) and counter ~= (previous[sensor_id].counter or 0) then nixio.syslog('info', string.format('received pulse %s:%s:%s', sensor_id, timestamp, counter)) measurements:add(sensor_id, timestamp, counter) previous[sensor_id].timestamp = timestamp previous[sensor_id].counter = counter end if timestamp > threshold and next(measurements) then --checking whether table is not empty coroutine.resume(child, measurements) threshold = os.time() + WAN_INTERVAL end sensor_id, timestamp, counter = coroutine.yield() end end) end function filter(child, span, offset) return coroutine.create(function(measurements) while true do measurements:filter(span, offset) coroutine.resume(child, measurements) measurements = coroutine.yield() end end) end function send(child) return coroutine.create(function(measurements) local headers = {} headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' headers['X-Version'] = '1.0' headers['User-Agent'] = USER_AGENT local options = {} options.sndtimeo = 5 options.rcvtimeo = 5 options.method = 'POST' options.tls_context_set_verify = 'peer' options.cacert = CACERT options.headers = headers while true do local sensors = measurements:get_sensors() local measurements_json = measurements:json_encode() local http_persist = httpclient.create_persistent() for i, sensor_id in ipairs(sensors) do if i ~= #sensors then options.headers['Connection'] = 'keep-alive' else options.headers['Connection'] = 'close' end options.body = '{"measurements":' .. measurements_json[sensor_id] .. '}' options.headers["Content-Length"] = tostring(#options.body) local hash = nixio.crypto.hmac('sha1', WAN_KEY) hash:update(options.body) options.headers['X-Digest'] = hash:final() local url = WAN_BASE_URL .. sensor_id local response, code, meta = http_persist(url, options) nixio.syslog('info', string.format('%s %s: %s', options.method, url, code)) if response then measurements:clear(sensor_id) end end coroutine.resume(child, measurements) measurements = coroutine.yield() end end) end function gc(child) return coroutine.create(function(measurements) while true do collectgarbage() -- force a complete garbage collection cycle coroutine.resume(child, measurements) measurements = coroutine.yield() end end) end function lan_buffer(child) return coroutine.create(function(sensor_id, timestamp, power, counter, msec) local measurements = data.new() local previous = {} local function diff(x, y) -- calculates y - x if y >= x then return y - x else -- y wrapped around 32-bit boundary return 4294967296 - x + y end end while true do if not previous[sensor_id] then previous[sensor_id] = {} end if timestamp > TIMESTAMP_MIN and timestamp > (previous[sensor_id].timestamp or 0) then if not power then -- we're dealing pulse message so first calculate power if previous[sensor_id].msec and msec > previous[sensor_id].msec then power = math.floor(diff(previous[sensor_id].counter, counter) / diff(previous[sensor_id].msec, msec) * 3.6 * 10^6 + 0.5) end -- if msec decreased, just update the value in the table -- but don't make any power calculations since the AVR might have gone through a reset previous[sensor_id].msec = msec previous[sensor_id].counter = counter end if power then measurements:add(sensor_id, timestamp, power) previous[sensor_id].timestamp = timestamp end end if next(measurements) then --checking whether table is not empty coroutine.resume(child, measurements) end sensor_id, timestamp, power, counter, msec = coroutine.yield() end end) end function polish(child, cutoff) return coroutine.create(function(measurements) while true do measurements:fill() measurements:truncate(cutoff) coroutine.resume(child, measurements) measurements = coroutine.yield() end end) end function publish(child, dir) return coroutine.create(function(measurements) nixio.fs.mkdirr(dir) for file in nixio.fs.dir(dir) do nixio.fs.unlink(file) end while true do local measurements_json = measurements:json_encode() for sensor_id, json in pairs(measurements_json) do local file = dir .. '/' .. sensor_id nixio.fs.unlink(file) fd = nixio.open(file, O_RDWR_CREAT) fd:write(json) fd:close() end coroutine.resume(child, measurements) measurements = coroutine.yield() end end) end function debug(child) return coroutine.create(function(measurements) while true do if DEBUG then dbg.vardump(measurements) end if child then coroutine.resume(child, measurements) end measurements = coroutine.yield() end end) end local wan_chain = wan_buffer( filter( filter( filter( send( gc( debug(nil) ) ) , WAN_FILTER[3].span, WAN_FILTER[3].offset) , WAN_FILTER[2].span, WAN_FILTER[2].offset) , WAN_FILTER[1].span, WAN_FILTER[1].offset) ) local lan_chain = lan_buffer( polish( publish( debug(nil) , LAN_PUBLISH_PATH) , LAN_POLISH_CUTOFF) ) local chain = dispatch(wan_chain, lan_chain) coroutine.resume(chain)