\s{$separator}\n\s{$separator}\nsticky ? 'sticky ' : '') . ($node->status ? '' : ' node-unpublished') . ' node-' . $node->type . ($teaser ? ' teaser' : '') . ' clear-block'; $vars['flukso_term_links'] = flukso_separate_terms($vars['terms']); $vars['flukso_node_links'] = flukso_separate_links($vars['links']); $vars['flukso_perma_title'] = t('Permanent Link to !title', array('!title' => $vars['title'])); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -- Node authorship. if (!empty($vars['submitted'])) { $vars['flukso_node_author'] = t('Posted by !author', array('!author' => $vars['name'])); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -- Timestamp for this type? if (!empty($vars['submitted']) && isset($node->created)) { $vars['flukso_node_timestamp'] = format_date($node->created, 'custom', t('d M Y')); } } /** * Preprocess the nodes. * * @param &$vars The template variables array. After invoking this function, * no page title will be displayed on /node/x pages. */ function flukso_preprocess_page(&$vars) { if (substr($_GET['q'], 0, 4) == 'node') { $vars['title'] = ''; } }