// // basiciotest.c : test code for the io and buffer ops of the UART and SPI ports // // Copyright (c) 2010 flukso.net // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // $Id$ #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" #include "main.h" #include "uart.h" #include "spi.h" #include "ctrl.h" #include "global.h" #include "encode.h" register uint8_t spi_status asm("r7"); uint8_t spi_high_hex; uint8_t EEMEM first_EEPROM_byte_not_used_to_protect_from_brownout_corruption = 0xbe; uint8_t EEMEM EEPROM_version[2] = {2, 1}; uint8_t version[2]; struct event_struct EEMEM EEPROM_event = {0, 0}; struct event_struct event; uint8_t EEMEM EEPROM_phy_to_log[MAX_SENSORS] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; uint8_t phy_to_log[MAX_SENSORS]; struct sensor_struct EEMEM EEPROM_sensor[MAX_SENSORS]; struct sensor_struct sensor[MAX_SENSORS]; struct state_struct state[MAX_SENSORS]; uint8_t muxn = 0; uint16_t timer = 0; struct time_struct time = {0, 0}; ISR(SPI_STC_vect) { uint8_t spi_rx, spi_tx, rx, tx; DBG_ISR_BEGIN(); // the SPI is double-buffered, requiring two NO_OPs when switching from Tx to Rx if (spi_status & (SPI_NO_OP_1 | SPI_NO_OP_2)) { spi_status--; DBG_LED_ON(); goto finish; } // do we have to transmit the first byte? if (spi_status & SPI_START_TX) { received_from_spi(SPI_FORWARD_TO_CTRL_PORT); spi_status &= ~SPI_START_TX; goto finish; } // are we in Tx mode? if (spi_status & SPI_TRANSMIT) { if (spi_status & SPI_HIGH_HEX) { received_from_spi(spi_high_hex); /* actually low hex ! */ spi_status &= ~SPI_HIGH_HEX; goto finish; } if (spi_status & SPI_TO_FROM_UART) { if (!uartReceiveByte(&tx)) { received_from_spi(SPI_END_OF_TX); spi_status &= ~SPI_TRANSMIT; spi_status |= SPI_NO_OP_2; goto finish; } } else { if (ctrlGetFromTxBuffer(&tx)) { received_from_spi(tx); goto finish; } else { received_from_spi(SPI_FORWARD_TO_UART_PORT); spi_status |= SPI_TO_FROM_UART; goto finish; } } btoh(tx, &spi_tx, (uint8_t *)&spi_high_hex); /* actually low hex ! */ spi_status |= SPI_HIGH_HEX; received_from_spi(spi_tx); goto finish; } // we're in Rx mode switch (spi_rx = received_from_spi(0x00)) { case SPI_END_OF_TX: spi_status |= SPI_TRANSMIT | SPI_START_TX; spi_status &= ~(SPI_HIGH_HEX | SPI_TO_FROM_UART); break; case SPI_END_OF_MESSAGE: if (!(spi_status & SPI_TO_FROM_UART)) { ctrlAddToRxBuffer(spi_rx); spi_status |= SPI_NEW_CTRL_MSG; } break; case SPI_FORWARD_TO_UART_PORT: spi_status |= SPI_TO_FROM_UART; DBG_LED_OFF(); break; case SPI_FORWARD_TO_CTRL_PORT: spi_status &= ~SPI_TO_FROM_UART; DBG_LED_OFF(); break; default: if (spi_status & SPI_HIGH_HEX) { htob(spi_high_hex, spi_rx, &rx); uartAddToTxBuffer(rx); } else { if (spi_status & SPI_TO_FROM_UART) { spi_high_hex = spi_rx; } else { ctrlAddToRxBuffer(spi_rx); goto finish; } } // toggle the HEX bit in spi_status spi_status ^= SPI_HIGH_HEX; } finish: DBG_ISR_END(); } ISR(INT0_vect) { uint8_t muxn_l = phy_to_log[3]; register_pulse(&sensor[muxn_l], &state[muxn_l]); } ISR(INT1_vect) { uint8_t muxn_l = phy_to_log[4]; register_pulse(&sensor[muxn_l], &state[muxn_l]); } void register_pulse(volatile struct sensor_struct *psensor, volatile struct state_struct *pstate) { psensor->counter += psensor->meterconst; pstate->flags |= STATE_PULSE; pstate->timestamp = time.ms; } ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) { uint8_t muxn_l = phy_to_log[muxn]; DBG_ISR_BEGIN(); MacU16X16to32(state[muxn_l].nano, sensor[muxn_l].meterconst, ADC); if (state[muxn_l].nano > WATT) { sensor[muxn_l].counter++; state[muxn_l].flags |= STATE_PULSE; state[muxn_l].nano -= WATT; state[muxn_l].pulse_count++; } if ((timer == SECOND) && (muxn == muxn_l)) { state[muxn].nano_start = state[muxn].nano_end; state[muxn].nano_end = state[muxn].nano; state[muxn].pulse_count_final = state[muxn].pulse_count; state[muxn].pulse_count = 0; state[muxn].flags |= STATE_POWER_CALC; } /* Cycle through the available ADC input channels (0/1/2). */ muxn++; if (!(muxn %= 3)) timer++; if (timer > SECOND) timer = 0; /* In order to map this to 1000Hz (=ms) we have to skip every second interrupt. */ if (!time.skip) time.ms++ ; time.skip ^= 1; ADMUX &= 0xF8; ADMUX |= muxn; /* Start a new ADC conversion. */ ADCSRA |= (1< 3686.4kHz / 32 = 115.2kHz (DS p.258) ADCSRA |= (1< fTOV1 = 3686.4kHz / 65536 = 56.25Hz (DS p.134) TCCR1B |= (1<nano_end - pstate->nano_start; pulse_count = pstate->pulse_count_final; sei(); // Since the AVR has no dedicated floating-point hardware, we need // to resort to fixed-point calculations for converting nWh/s to W. // 1W = 10^6/3.6 nWh/s // power[watt] = 3.6/10^6 * rest[nWh/s] // power[watt] = 3.6/10^6 * 65536 * (rest[nWh/s] / 65536) // power[watt] = 3.6/10^6 * 65536 * 262144 / 262144 * (rest[nWh/s] / 65536) // power[watt] = 61847.53 / 262144 * (rest[nWh/s] / 65536) // We have to correct for only using 666 samples iso 2000/3, so: // power[watt] = 61847.53 * 1/666 * 2000/3 / 262144 * (rest[nWh/s] / 65536) // power[watt] = 61909.44 / 262144 * (rest[nWh/s] / 65536) // We round the constant down to 61909 to prevent 'underflow' in the // consecutive else statement. // The error introduced in the fixed-point rounding equals 7.1*10^-6. MacU16X16to32(power, (uint16_t)(labs(rest)/65536), 61909); power /= 262144; if (rest >= 0) { power += pulse_count*3600; } else { power = pulse_count*3600 - power; } pstate->power = power; } int main(void) { uint8_t i; // RS-485: Configure PD5=DE as output pin with low as default DDRD |= (1<