Drupal.behaviors.imageAnnotate = function (context) { var annotativeImage = new Array(); for (var i=0; i
'); this.canvas.children('.image-annotate-edit').hide(); this.canvas.children('.image-annotate-view').hide(); this.image.after(this.canvas); // Give the canvas and the container their size and background this.canvas.height(this.image.height()); this.canvas.width(this.image.width()); this.canvas.css('background-image', 'url("'+ this.image.attr('src') +'")'); this.canvas.children('.image-annotate-view, .image-annotate-edit').height(this.image.height()); this.canvas.children('.image-annotate-view, .image-annotate-edit').width(this.image.width()); // Add the behavior: hide/show the notes when hovering the picture this.canvas.hover( function() { if ($(this).children('.image-annotate-edit').css('display') == 'none') { $(this).children('.image-annotate-view').show(); } }, function() { $(this).children('.image-annotate-view').hide(); } ); this.canvas.children('.image-annotate-view').hover( function() { $(this).show(); }, function() { $(this).hide(); } ); // Create the notes this.notes = new Array(); for (var i=0; i' + Drupal.t('Add a note') + ''); var image = this; this.button.click(function(){ image.addNote(); }); this.image.before(this.button); } // Hide the original this.image.hide(); }; /** * Highlight and show one of the notes */ Drupal.annotativeImage.prototype.showNote = function(aid) { for (key in this.notes) { if (key == aid) { var highlight = this.notes[key]; } this.notes[key].hide(); } if (highlight) { this.canvas.children('.image-annotate-view').show(); highlight.show(); $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: highlight.area.offset().top}, 'slow'); // Hack with html & body scrolling so that it works in Safari } }; /** * Add a note */ Drupal.annotativeImage.prototype.addNote = function () { if (this.mode == 'view') { this.mode = 'edit'; var image = this; // Create/prepare the editable note elements var editable = new Drupal.imageAnnotationEditable(this); // Load the form and set the draggable/resizable area editable.note.load(Drupal.settings.basePath + 'content/image-annotate/create/' + this.nid, {}, function() { Drupal.behaviors.collapse(editable.note); var form = $('#image-annotate-edit-form form'); // TODO: remove these *EVIL* fixes form.attr('action', Drupal.settings.basePath + 'comment/reply/' + image.nid); /* Evil! */ $('#image-annotate-edit-form input').attr('for', ''); /* Kicking babies evil! */ // Add the image note information to the form action on submission form.submit(function() { var areaFields = $(''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''); form.append(areaFields); }); // We add the cancel/close button var cancel = $(''+ Drupal.t('Cancel') +''); cancel.click(function() { editable.destroy(); image.mode = 'view'; }); editable.note.prepend(cancel); }); } }; /** * An image annotation */ Drupal.imageAnnotation = function (image, note) { this.image = image; this.aid = note.aid; this.cid = note.cid; this.height = note.height; this.width = note.width; this.left = note.left; this.top = note.top; this.editable = note.editable; // Add the area this.area = $('
'); this.image.canvas.children('.image-annotate-view').prepend(this.area); // Add the note this.note = $('
'+ note.text +'
'); this.note.hide(); this.image.canvas.children('.image-annotate-view').append(this.note); this.note.children('span.actions').hide(); // Set the position and size of the note this.set(); // Add the behavior: hide/display the note when hovering the area var annotation = this; this.area.hover( function() { annotation.show(); }, function() { annotation.hide(); } ); this.note.hover( function(){ annotation.show(); annotation.note.children('span.actions').show('slow'); }, function(){ annotation.hide(); annotation.note.children('span.actions').hide(); } ); // Edit a note feature if (this.editable) { var note = this; this.area.click(function () { note.edit(); }); } }; /** * Set the position and size of the note */ Drupal.imageAnnotation.prototype.set = function() { this.area.children('div').height((this.height - 2) +'px'); this.area.children('div').width((this.width - 2) +'px'); this.area.css('left', (this.left) +'px'); this.area.css('top', (this.top) +'px'); this.note.css('left', (this.left) +'px'); this.note.css('top', (parseInt(this.top) + parseInt(this.height) + 2) +'px'); }; /** * Highlight/show the note */ Drupal.imageAnnotation.prototype.show = function() { this.note.show(); this.area.addClass('image-annotate-area-hover'); }; /** * Hide the note */ Drupal.imageAnnotation.prototype.hide = function() { this.note.hide(); this.area.removeClass('image-annotate-area-hover'); }; /** * Show the note edit form */ Drupal.imageAnnotation.prototype.edit = function() { if (this.image.mode == 'view') { this.image.mode = 'edit'; var note = this; // Create/prepare the editable note elements var editable = new Drupal.imageAnnotationEditable(this.image, this); // Load the form and set the draggable/resizable area editable.note.load(Drupal.settings.basePath + 'content/image-annotate/edit/' + this.aid, {}, function() { Drupal.behaviors.collapse(editable.note); var form = $('#image-annotate-edit-form form'); // TODO: remove these *EVIL* fixes form.attr('action', Drupal.settings.basePath + 'comment/edit/'+ note.cid); /* Evil! */ $('#image-annotate-edit-form input').attr('for', ''); /* Kicking babies evil! */ // Add the image note information to the form action on submission form.submit(function() { var areaFields = $(''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''); form.append(areaFields); // var areaInfo = editable.area.position().top +'/'+ editable.area.position().left +'/'+ editable.area.height() +'/'+ editable.area.width(); // form.attr('action', form.attr('action') +'/image-annotate/'+ areaInfo); }); // We add the cancel/close button var cancel = $(''+ Drupal.t('Cancel') +''); cancel.click(function() { editable.destroy(); note.image.mode = 'view'; }); editable.note.prepend(cancel); }); } }; /** * The annotation form */ Drupal.imageAnnotationEditable = function (image, note) { this.image = image; // Set up the area this.area = this.image.canvas.children('.image-annotate-edit').children('.image-annotate-edit-area'); if (note) { this.area.css('height', note.height +'px'); this.area.css('width', note.width +'px'); this.area.css('left', note.left +'px'); this.area.css('top', note.top +'px'); } // Show the edition canvas and hide the view canvas this.image.canvas.children('.image-annotate-view').hide(); this.image.canvas.children('.image-annotate-edit').show(); // Add the note (which we'll load with the form afterwards) this.note = $('
'); $('body').append(this.note); this.note.css('left', this.area.offset().left +'px'); this.note.css('top', (parseInt(this.area.offset().top) + parseInt(this.area.height()) + 2) +'px'); // Set the area as a draggable/resizable element contained in the image canvas. // Would be better to use the containment option for resizable but buggy var editable = this; var area = this.area; var note = this.note; this.area.resizable({ handles: 'all', resize: function(e, ui) { if (parseInt(area.position().top) + parseInt(area.height()) + 2 > parseInt(editable.image.canvas.height())) { area.height(parseInt(editable.image.canvas.height()) - parseInt(area.position().top) - 2); } if (parseInt(area.position().left) + parseInt(area.width()) + 2 > parseInt(editable.image.canvas.width())) { area.width(parseInt(editable.image.canvas.width()) - parseInt(area.position().left) - 2); } if (parseInt(area.position().top) < 0) { area.height(parseInt(editable.image.canvas.height())).css('top', 0); } if (parseInt(area.position().left) < 0) { area.width(parseInt(editable.image.canvas.width())).css('left', 0); } note.css('left', area.offset().left +'px'); note.css('top', (parseInt(area.offset().top) + parseInt(area.height()) + 2) +'px'); }, stop: function(e, ui) { note.css('left', area.offset().left +'px'); note.css('top', (parseInt(area.offset().top) + parseInt(area.height()) + 2) +'px'); } }) .draggable({ containment: editable.image.canvas, drag: function(e, ui) { note.css('left', area.offset().left +'px'); note.css('top', (parseInt(area.offset().top) + parseInt(area.height()) + 2) +'px'); }, stop: function(e, ui) { note.css('left', area.offset().left +'px'); note.css('top', (parseInt(area.offset().top) + parseInt(area.height()) + 2) +'px'); } }); }; /** * Destroy the annotation form */ Drupal.imageAnnotationEditable.prototype.destroy = function () { this.image.canvas.children('.image-annotate-edit').hide(); this.area.resizable('destroy'); this.area.draggable('destroy'); this.area.css('height', ''); this.area.css('width', ''); this.area.css('left', ''); this.area.css('top', ''); this.note.remove(); };