[api] add support for sensor config POSTing on the /sensor/xyz endpoint
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 35 additions and 3 deletions
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ mysql_prepare() ->
mysql:prepare(sensor_key, <<"SELECT sha FROM (logger_devices ld INNER JOIN logger_meters lm ON ld.device = lm.device) WHERE lm.meter = ?">>),
mysql:prepare(sensor_props, <<"SELECT uid, device, night FROM logger_meters WHERE meter = ?">>),
mysql:prepare(sensor_update, <<"UPDATE logger_meters SET access = ?, night = ?, value = ? WHERE meter = ?">>),
mysql:prepare(sensor_config, <<"UPDATE logger_meters SET class = ?, type = ?, function = ?, voltage = ?, current = ?, constant = ?, enabled = ? WHERE meter = ?">>),
mysql:prepare(timezone, <<"SELECT timezone FROM users WHERE uid = ?">>),
mysql:prepare(device_key, <<"SELECT sha FROM logger_devices WHERE device = ?">>),
mysql:prepare(device_props, <<"SELECT sha, upgrade, resets FROM logger_devices WHERE device = ?">>),
@ -143,11 +143,42 @@ to_json(ReqData, #state{rrdSensor = RrdSensor, rrdStart = RrdStart, rrdEnd = Rrd
{{halt, 404}, ReqData, State}
process_post(ReqData, State) ->
{struct, JsonData} = mochijson2:decode(wrq:req_body(ReqData)),
Payload = {proplists:get_value(<<"measurements">>, JsonData),
proplists:get_value(<<"config">>, JsonData)},
case Payload of
{undefined, undefined} ->
{false, ReqData, State};
{Measurements, undefined} ->
process_measurements(Measurements, ReqData, State);
{undefined, Config} ->
process_config(Config, ReqData, State);
{_Measurements, _Config} ->
{false, ReqData, State}
% JSON: {"config":{"type":"electricity","enable":0,"class":"analog","current":50,"voltage":230}}
% Mochijson2: {struct,[{<<"config">>, {struct,[{<<"type">>,<<"electricity">>}, {<<"enable">>,0}, ... ]} }]}
process_config({struct, Params}, ReqData, #state{rrdSensor = Sensor} = State) ->
Args = [proplists:get_value(<<"class">>, Params),
proplists:get_value(<<"type">>, Params),
proplists:get_value(<<"function">>, Params),
proplists:get_value(<<"voltage">>, Params),
proplists:get_value(<<"current">>, Params),
proplists:get_value(<<"constant">>, Params),
proplists:get_value(<<"enable">>, Params),
{updated, _Result} = mysql:execute(pool, sensor_config, Args),
{true, ReqData, State}.
% JSON: {"measurements":[[<TS1>,<VALUE1>],...,[<TSn>,<VALUEn>]]}
% Mochijson2: {struct,[{<<"measurements">>,[[<TS1>,<VALUE1>],...,[<TSn>,<VALUEn>]]}]}
process_post(ReqData, #state{rrdSensor = RrdSensor} = State) ->
{struct, JsonData} = mochijson2:decode(wrq:req_body(ReqData)),
Measurements = proplists:get_value(<<"measurements">>, JsonData),
process_measurements(Measurements, ReqData, #state{rrdSensor = RrdSensor} = State) ->
RrdData = [[integer_to_list(Time), ":", integer_to_list(Counter), " "] || [Time, Counter] <- Measurements],
[LastTimestamp, LastValue] = lists:last(Measurements),
Reference in a new issue