#include //from left to right. pins at bottom. chips on top //1 GND (black) //2 Data //3 Clock //4 Reset //5 +5V (red) //6 Right BTN //7 Middle BTN //8 Left BTN //Arduino Pro Mini 328P 5V 16MHz //hold power button pressed during flashing //pinout: https://martin-prochnow.de/projects/thinkpad_keyboard //see also https://github.com/feklee/usb-trackpoint/blob/master/code/code.ino //#define DEBUG #include "Trackpoint.h" //Default: /*Trackpoint trackpoint(8, // CLK 9, // DATA 12); // RESET */ /*funktioniert * Trackpoint trackpoint(2, // CLK (rosa) 3, // DATA (gelb) 4); // RESET (gruen) */ Trackpoint trackpoint(3, // CLK (rosa, TP3) 4, // DATA (gelb, TP2) 2); // RESET (gruen, TP4) #include #include "nRF24L01.h" #include "RF24.h" #include "printf.h" bool radioOk=false; //true, if sending was successfull. can be false, even if data was send and received RF24 radio(9,10); //ce, cs //SCK D13 //Miso D12 //Mosi D11 // Radio pipe addresses for the 2 nodes to communicate. const uint64_t pipes[2] = { 0xF0F0F0F0E1LL, 0xF0F0F0F0D2LL }; //0xF0F0F0F0xxLL, xx is 1-byte address #define NRF24CHANNEL 75 struct nrfdata { uint8_t steer; //between 0 and 255, 127 is stop. will be scaled to -1000 to 1000 uint8_t speed; //between 0 and 255, 127 is stop. will be scaled to -1000 to 1000 uint8_t commands; //bit 0 set = motor enable, 1=left,2=up,3=down,4=right uint8_t checksum; }; long last_sendNRF=0; #define NRFSEND_DELAY 45 //ms #define PIN_TOUCH 5 long last_touch=0; #define TOUCH_TIMEOUT 100 //command variables boolean motorenabled=false; #define PIN_LED A1 #define PIN_BUTTON 6 #define PIN_POWERON 7 #define TRACKPOINT_MAX 70 //value for maximum stick movement #define TRACKPOINT_MAX_ERROR 90 //if value above this amount, error is triggered (nipple position stuck. maybe fixed by slowing down reading interval) float speedscale=1.0; float steerscale=1.0; int16_t last_xin=0; int16_t last_yin=0; #define SETUP_NONE 0 #define SETUP_WAIT 1 //waiting for input #define SETUP_DONE 2 //waiting after input (do not move motors) uint8_t setupmode=SETUP_NONE; long setupmode_waitstarttime=0; //starttime of SETUP_WAIT mode #define SETUP_WAIT_TIMEOUT 10000 //maximum time to wait for input before canceling #define SETUP_HOLD_POWEROFF 2000 //if button held down after x ms in setup mode, power off #define SETUP_DONE_TIME 1000 //time to keep motors disabled after exiting setup #define SETUP_MOVE_THRESHOLD 275 //500*TRACKPOINT_MAX/127 uint16_t led_ton=0; //never. time in ms for on time uint16_t led_toff=65535; //always long led_nextswitch=0; #define TIME_INACTIVITY_POWEROFF 120000 long time_lastactivity=0; #define ACTIVITYMOVEMENT 5//Stick movement for activity recognition boolean touching=false; uint8_t setup_directon_press=0; // 1=left,2=up,3=down,4=right int voltage=4000; #define VOLTAGE_WARN 3400 /* * 3681=3.725V */ void sendRF(nrfdata senddata); long readVcc(); unsigned long last_testprint=0; void setup() { //Mouse.begin(); pinMode(PIN_TOUCH, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(PIN_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(PIN_BUTTON, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(PIN_POWERON, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(PIN_LED, LOW); digitalWrite(PIN_POWERON, HIGH); //keep unit powered on Serial.begin(115200); printf_begin(); Serial.println("Booting"); radio.begin(); //Serial.print("CRC Length="); //Serial.println(radio.getCRCLength()); radio.setDataRate( RF24_250KBPS ); //set to slow data rate. default was 1MBPS //radio.setDataRate( RF24_1MBPS ); radio.setChannel(NRF24CHANNEL); //0 to 124 (inclusive) radio.setRetries(15,15); // optionally, increase the delay between retries & # of retries radio.setPayloadSize(8); // optionally, reduce the payload size. seems to improve reliability //radio.openWritingPipe(pipes[0]); //write on pipe 0 //radio.openReadingPipe(1,pipes[1]); //read on pipe 1 radio.openWritingPipe(pipes[1]); //write on pipe 1 radio.openReadingPipe(1,pipes[0]); //read on pipe 0 radio.printDetails(); radio.startListening(); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Radio initialized"); #endif trackpoint.reset(); trackpoint.setRemoteMode(); trackpoint.setSensitivityFactor(0xc0); // more sensitive than by default #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Trackpoint initialized"); #endif voltage=readVcc(); Serial.print("Voltage="); Serial.println( voltage, DEC ); } /* void sendButtonState(byte state) { static const char hidStates[] = {MOUSE_LEFT, MOUSE_RIGHT}; for (byte i = 0; i < sizeof(hidStates); i++) { byte hidState = hidStates[i]; if (state & (1 << i)) { Mouse.press(hidState); } else if (Mouse.isPressed(hidState)) { Mouse.release(hidState); } } } */ // Reads TrackPoint data and sends data to computer. void loop() { if (millis()-last_sendNRF >= NRFSEND_DELAY) { voltage=readVcc(); //read own voltage last_sendNRF=millis(); trackpoint.readData(); //discard last value. otherwise values are scales way too high Trackpoint::DataReport d = trackpoint.readData(); //d.x and d.y between 128 to 255=-1000 to 0, and 0 to 127=0 to +1000 #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print("DataReport: "); Serial.print(d.x); Serial.print(", "); Serial.println(d.y); #endif nrfdata senddata; //senddata.steer=map(constrain((uint8_t)(d.x+127),127-TRACKPOINT_MAX,127+TRACKPOINT_MAX) , 127-TRACKPOINT_MAX,127+TRACKPOINT_MAX, 127+(127*steerscale), 127-(127*steerscale) ); //steer //senddata.speed=map(constrain((uint8_t)(d.y+127),127-TRACKPOINT_MAX,127+TRACKPOINT_MAX) , 127-TRACKPOINT_MAX,127+TRACKPOINT_MAX, 127-(127*speedscale), 127+(127*speedscale) ); //speed //map x and y to -1000 to 1000 int16_t xin; if (d.x>=0 && d.x<=127){ //positive range xin=map(constrain((int16_t)d.x,0,TRACKPOINT_MAX) , 0,TRACKPOINT_MAX, 0, 1000 ); if ((float)d.x>TRACKPOINT_MAX_ERROR) { //value outside expected range touching=false; //simulate hands off (needs recentering to reenable) motorenabled=false; } }else{ //negative range 128(=-1000) to 255(0) xin=map(constrain((int16_t)d.x,127+TRACKPOINT_MAX,255) , 127+TRACKPOINT_MAX,255, -1000, 0 ); if ((float)d.x<255-TRACKPOINT_MAX_ERROR) { //value outside expected range touching=false; //simulate hands off (needs recentering to reenable) motorenabled=false; } } int16_t yin; if (d.y>=0 && d.y<=127){ //positive range yin=map(constrain((float)d.y,0,TRACKPOINT_MAX) , 0,TRACKPOINT_MAX, 0, 1000 ); if ((float)d.y>TRACKPOINT_MAX_ERROR) { //value outside expected range touching=false; //simulate hands off (needs recentering to reenable) motorenabled=false; } }else{ //negative range 128(=-1000) to 255(0) yin=map(constrain((float)d.y,127+TRACKPOINT_MAX,255) , 127+TRACKPOINT_MAX,255, -1000, 0 ); if ((float)d.y<255-TRACKPOINT_MAX_ERROR) { //value outside expected range touching=false; //simulate hands off (needs recentering to reenable) motorenabled=false; } } last_xin=xin; //save position values for other stuff than control last_yin=yin; if (abs(xin)>ACTIVITYMOVEMENT){ time_lastactivity=millis(); //reset activity timeout }else if (abs(yin)>ACTIVITYMOVEMENT){ time_lastactivity=millis(); //reset activity timeout } /* float r=sqrt((xin*xin) + (yin*yin)); float phi=atan2(yin,xin); // arc tangent of y/x. 0 is right Serial.print(xin,0); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(yin,0); Serial.print(": "); Serial.print(r,0); Serial.print(", "); Serial.println(phi,4);*/ senddata.steer=map(xin, -1000,1000, 127+(128*steerscale), 127-(127*steerscale) ); //steer senddata.speed=map(yin, -1000,1000, 127-(127*speedscale), 127+(128*speedscale) ); //speed senddata.commands=0; //reset if (!radioOk || setupmode!=SETUP_NONE){ //if last transmission failed or in setup mode //senddata.steer=127; //stop //senddata.speed=127; senddata.commands|= 0 << 0; //motorenabled send false }else{ senddata.commands|= motorenabled << 0; //motorenabled is bit 0 } if (setup_directon_press!=0) { senddata.commands|= 1 << setup_directon_press; //motorenabled is bit 0 setup_directon_press=0; //reset after sending } #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print(senddata.steer); Serial.print(", "); Serial.println(senddata.speed); #endif senddata.checksum=(uint8_t)((senddata.steer+3)*(senddata.speed+13)); sendRF(senddata); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println( readVcc(), DEC ); #endif } if(!digitalRead(PIN_TOUCH)){ //check touch last_touch=millis(); } if(millis()-last_testprint >= 250){ //Test print Serial.print(last_xin); Serial.print(", "); Serial.println(last_yin); last_testprint=millis(); } if(millis()-last_touch <= TOUCH_TIMEOUT){ //is touched if (!touching && setupmode!=SETUP_DONE) { //was false, is touching again (and not during setup_done wait) //Serial.println("touching was false"); if (last_xin==0 && last_yin==0) { //stick at center position touching=true; //enable only if stick is at center again motorenabled=true; Serial.println("touching reactivated"); } }else{ motorenabled=true; } }else{ touching=false; motorenabled=false; } if (!digitalRead(PIN_BUTTON) && setupmode==SETUP_NONE){ //Button pressed, and not in setup mode setupmode=SETUP_WAIT; setupmode_waitstarttime=millis(); Serial.println("Entering Setup"); //digitalWrite(PIN_POWERON, LOW); //Power off } //inactivity poweroff if (millis()>time_lastactivity+TIME_INACTIVITY_POWEROFF){ Serial.println("Inactivity Poweroff"); delay(100); digitalWrite(PIN_POWERON, LOW); //Power off } switch(setupmode){ case SETUP_WAIT: if (millis()>setupmode_waitstarttime+SETUP_WAIT_TIMEOUT){ //waittime over setupmode=SETUP_NONE; //exit setup }else if(last_yin > SETUP_MOVE_THRESHOLD){ //y moved up Serial.println("Moved Up"); setup_directon_press=2; setupmode=SETUP_DONE; //exit setupmode setupmode_waitstarttime=millis(); //use this value for done timer }else if(last_yin < -SETUP_MOVE_THRESHOLD){ //y moved down Serial.println("Moved Down"); setup_directon_press=3; setupmode=SETUP_DONE; //exit setupmode setupmode_waitstarttime=millis();//use this value for done timer }else if(last_xin < -SETUP_MOVE_THRESHOLD){ //y moved left Serial.println("Moved Left"); setup_directon_press=1; setupmode=SETUP_DONE; //exit setupmode setupmode_waitstarttime=millis();//use this value for done timer }else if(last_xin > SETUP_MOVE_THRESHOLD){ //y moved right Serial.println("Moved Right"); setup_directon_press=4; setupmode=SETUP_DONE; //exit setupmode setupmode_waitstarttime=millis();//use this value for done timer }else if (millis()>setupmode_waitstarttime+SETUP_HOLD_POWEROFF && !digitalRead(PIN_BUTTON)){ //if button held down after SETUP_HOLD_POWEROFF Serial.println("Manual Power Off"); delay(100); digitalWrite(PIN_POWERON, LOW); //Power off } if (!touching){ //remote got put away (not touch) Serial.println("Poweroff"); delay(100); digitalWrite(PIN_POWERON, LOW); //Power off } break; case SETUP_DONE: touching=false; motorenabled=false; Serial.println("touching set false"); if (millis()>setupmode_waitstarttime+SETUP_DONE_TIME){ setupmode=SETUP_NONE; //return to control mode, allows enabling motors } break; } //LED Blink Codes switch(setupmode){ case SETUP_NONE: if (radioOk){ if (touching){ //=touching led_ton=500; //always on led_toff=0; }else{ led_ton=1000; //blink slowly regulary led_toff=1000; } }else{ //not connected if (touching){ //=touching led_ton=5; //short flash led_toff=200; }else{ led_ton=0; //off led_toff=500; } } if (voltage<=VOLTAGE_WARN){ led_ton=25; //flash on fast led_toff=75; } break; case SETUP_WAIT: led_ton=200; //blink fast led_toff=200; break; case SETUP_DONE: led_ton=20; //blink fast led_toff=20; break; } if (millis()>=led_nextswitch){ //Set LED State by timings if (digitalRead(PIN_LED)){ //led was on if (led_toff>0){ digitalWrite(PIN_LED, LOW); //led off } led_nextswitch=millis()+led_toff; }else{ if (led_ton>0){ digitalWrite(PIN_LED, HIGH); //led on } led_nextswitch=millis()+led_ton; } } } void sendRF(nrfdata senddata){ #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Transmitting..."); #endif radio.stopListening(); //stop listening to be able to transmit radioOk = radio.write( &senddata, sizeof(nrfdata) ); if (radioOk){ #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("ok"); #endif }else{ #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("failed"); #endif } radio.startListening(); } long readVcc() { long result; // Read 1.1V reference against AVcc ADMUX = _BV(REFS0) | _BV(MUX3) | _BV(MUX2) | _BV(MUX1); delay(2); // Wait for Vref to settle ADCSRA |= _BV(ADSC); // Convert while (bit_is_set(ADCSRA,ADSC)); result = ADCL; result |= ADCH<<8; result = 1126400L / result; // Back-calculate AVcc in mV return result; }