EmanuelFeru b4b23bbe9b Implemented HOVERCAR variant
- created HOVERCAR variant (selectable via platformio.ini) for driving via 2 pedals: Brake (on cmd1) and Throttle (on cmd2)
- implemented "Double tapping" on Brake pedal to engage Reverse driving
- implemented that Brake pedal stops the vehicle but does not go to Reverse, to prevend unintended Reverse driving
- implemented ADC Protection when GND and Vcc wire are disconnected. The functionality can be enabled/disabled via #define ADC_PROTECT_ENA
- updated error handling: in case of major error the motors will be disabled for improved safety

- fixed bug on low-pass filter for not reaching exact "0" value
- calibrated the ADC Battery voltage reading
- other minor visual updates
2019-12-31 13:35:01 +01:00

231 lines
8.4 KiB

* This file implements FOC motor control.
* This control method offers superior performanace
* compared to previous cummutation method. The new method features:
* ► reduced noise and vibrations
* ► smooth torque output
* ► improved motor efficiency -> lower energy consumption
* Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Emanuel FERU <aerdronix@gmail.com>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "stm32f1xx_hal.h"
#include "defines.h"
#include "setup.h"
#include "config.h"
// Matlab includes and defines - from auto-code generation
// ###############################################################################
#include "BLDC_controller.h" /* Model's header file */
#include "rtwtypes.h"
extern RT_MODEL *const rtM_Left;
extern RT_MODEL *const rtM_Right;
extern DW rtDW_Left; /* Observable states */
extern ExtU rtU_Left; /* External inputs */
extern ExtY rtY_Left; /* External outputs */
extern DW rtDW_Right; /* Observable states */
extern ExtU rtU_Right; /* External inputs */
extern ExtY rtY_Right; /* External outputs */
// ###############################################################################
static int16_t pwm_margin = 100; /* This margin allows to always have a window in the PWM signal for proper Phase currents measurement */
extern uint8_t ctrlModReq;
static int16_t curDC_max = (I_DC_MAX * A2BIT_CONV);
int16_t curL_phaA = 0, curL_phaB = 0, curL_DC = 0;
int16_t curR_phaB = 0, curR_phaC = 0, curR_DC = 0;
uint8_t errCode_Left = 0;
uint8_t errCode_Right = 0;
volatile int pwml = 0;
volatile int pwmr = 0;
extern volatile adc_buf_t adc_buffer;
extern volatile uint32_t timeout;
uint8_t buzzerFreq = 0;
uint8_t buzzerPattern = 0;
static uint32_t buzzerTimer = 0;
uint8_t enable = 0; // initially motors are disabled for SAFETY
static uint8_t enableFin = 0;
static const uint16_t pwm_res = 64000000 / 2 / PWM_FREQ; // = 2000
static uint16_t offsetcount = 0;
static int16_t offsetrl1 = 2000;
static int16_t offsetrl2 = 2000;
static int16_t offsetrr1 = 2000;
static int16_t offsetrr2 = 2000;
static int16_t offsetdcl = 2000;
static int16_t offsetdcr = 2000;
int16_t batVoltage = (400 * BAT_CELLS * BAT_CALIB_ADC) / BAT_CALIB_REAL_VOLTAGE;
static int32_t batVoltageFixdt = (400 * BAT_CELLS * BAT_CALIB_ADC) / BAT_CALIB_REAL_VOLTAGE << 20; // Fixed-point filter output initialized at 400 V*100/cell = 4 V/cell converted to fixed-point
// =================================
// DMA interrupt frequency =~ 16 kHz
// =================================
void DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler(void) {
if(offsetcount < 2000) { // calibrate ADC offsets
offsetrl1 = (adc_buffer.rl1 + offsetrl1) / 2;
offsetrl2 = (adc_buffer.rl2 + offsetrl2) / 2;
offsetrr1 = (adc_buffer.rr1 + offsetrr1) / 2;
offsetrr2 = (adc_buffer.rr2 + offsetrr2) / 2;
offsetdcl = (adc_buffer.dcl + offsetdcl) / 2;
offsetdcr = (adc_buffer.dcr + offsetdcr) / 2;
if (buzzerTimer % 1000 == 0) { // because you get float rounding errors if it would run every time -> not any more, everything converted to fixed-point
filtLowPass32(adc_buffer.batt1, BAT_FILT_COEF, &batVoltageFixdt);
batVoltage = (int16_t)(batVoltageFixdt >> 20); // convert fixed-point to integer
// Get Left motor currents
curL_phaA = (int16_t)(offsetrl1 - adc_buffer.rl1);
curL_phaB = (int16_t)(offsetrl2 - adc_buffer.rl2);
curL_DC = (int16_t)(offsetdcl - adc_buffer.dcl);
// Get Right motor currents
curR_phaB = (int16_t)(offsetrr1 - adc_buffer.rr1);
curR_phaC = (int16_t)(offsetrr2 - adc_buffer.rr2);
curR_DC = (int16_t)(offsetdcr - adc_buffer.dcr);
// Disable PWM when current limit is reached (current chopping)
// This is the Level 2 of current protection. The Level 1 should kick in first given by I_MOT_MAX
if(ABS(curL_DC) > curDC_max || timeout > TIMEOUT || enable == 0) {
} else {
if(ABS(curR_DC) > curDC_max || timeout > TIMEOUT || enable == 0) {
} else {
//create square wave for buzzer
if (buzzerFreq != 0 && (buzzerTimer / 5000) % (buzzerPattern + 1) == 0) {
if (buzzerTimer % buzzerFreq == 0) {
} else {
// ############################### MOTOR CONTROL ###############################
int ul, vl, wl;
int ur, vr, wr;
static boolean_T OverrunFlag = false;
/* Check for overrun */
if (OverrunFlag) {
OverrunFlag = true;
/* Make sure to stop BOTH motors in case of an error */
enableFin = enable && !errCode_Left && !errCode_Right;
// ========================= LEFT MOTOR ============================
// Get hall sensors values
uint8_t hall_ul = !(LEFT_HALL_U_PORT->IDR & LEFT_HALL_U_PIN);
uint8_t hall_vl = !(LEFT_HALL_V_PORT->IDR & LEFT_HALL_V_PIN);
uint8_t hall_wl = !(LEFT_HALL_W_PORT->IDR & LEFT_HALL_W_PIN);
/* Set motor inputs here */
rtU_Left.b_motEna = enableFin;
rtU_Left.z_ctrlModReq = ctrlModReq;
rtU_Left.r_inpTgt = pwml;
rtU_Left.b_hallA = hall_ul;
rtU_Left.b_hallB = hall_vl;
rtU_Left.b_hallC = hall_wl;
rtU_Left.i_phaAB = curL_phaA;
rtU_Left.i_phaBC = curL_phaB;
rtU_Left.i_DCLink = curL_DC;
/* Step the controller */
/* Get motor outputs here */
ul = rtY_Left.DC_phaA;
vl = rtY_Left.DC_phaB;
wl = rtY_Left.DC_phaC;
errCode_Left = rtY_Left.z_errCode;
// motSpeedLeft = rtY_Left.n_mot;
// motAngleLeft = rtY_Left.a_elecAngle;
/* Apply commands */
LEFT_TIM->LEFT_TIM_U = (uint16_t)CLAMP(ul + pwm_res / 2, pwm_margin, pwm_res-pwm_margin);
LEFT_TIM->LEFT_TIM_V = (uint16_t)CLAMP(vl + pwm_res / 2, pwm_margin, pwm_res-pwm_margin);
LEFT_TIM->LEFT_TIM_W = (uint16_t)CLAMP(wl + pwm_res / 2, pwm_margin, pwm_res-pwm_margin);
// =================================================================
// ========================= RIGHT MOTOR ===========================
// Get hall sensors values
uint8_t hall_ur = !(RIGHT_HALL_U_PORT->IDR & RIGHT_HALL_U_PIN);
uint8_t hall_vr = !(RIGHT_HALL_V_PORT->IDR & RIGHT_HALL_V_PIN);
uint8_t hall_wr = !(RIGHT_HALL_W_PORT->IDR & RIGHT_HALL_W_PIN);
/* Set motor inputs here */
rtU_Right.b_motEna = enableFin;
rtU_Right.z_ctrlModReq = ctrlModReq;
rtU_Right.r_inpTgt = pwmr;
rtU_Right.b_hallA = hall_ur;
rtU_Right.b_hallB = hall_vr;
rtU_Right.b_hallC = hall_wr;
rtU_Right.i_phaAB = curR_phaB;
rtU_Right.i_phaBC = curR_phaC;
rtU_Right.i_DCLink = curR_DC;
/* Step the controller */
/* Get motor outputs here */
ur = rtY_Right.DC_phaA;
vr = rtY_Right.DC_phaB;
wr = rtY_Right.DC_phaC;
errCode_Right = rtY_Right.z_errCode;
// motSpeedRight = rtY_Right.n_mot;
// motAngleRight = rtY_Right.a_elecAngle;
/* Apply commands */
RIGHT_TIM->RIGHT_TIM_U = (uint16_t)CLAMP(ur + pwm_res / 2, pwm_margin, pwm_res-pwm_margin);
RIGHT_TIM->RIGHT_TIM_V = (uint16_t)CLAMP(vr + pwm_res / 2, pwm_margin, pwm_res-pwm_margin);
RIGHT_TIM->RIGHT_TIM_W = (uint16_t)CLAMP(wr + pwm_res / 2, pwm_margin, pwm_res-pwm_margin);
// =================================================================
/* Indicate task complete */
OverrunFlag = false;
// ###############################################################################