#include /* Connections: Tennsy Pin, Pin Name, Connected to 10, Tx2, Hoverboard RX(Green) 9, Rx2, Hoverboard TX(Blue) 8, Tx3, Hoverboard RX(Green) 7, Rx3, Hoverboard TX(Blue) */ // ########################## DEFINES ########################## #define SERIAL_CONTROL_BAUD 115200 // [-] Baud rate for HoverSerial (used to communicate with the hoverboard) #define SERIAL_BAUD 115200 // [-] Baud rate for built-in Serial (used for the Serial Monitor) #define START_FRAME 0xABCD // [-] Start frme definition for reliable serial communication #define SERIAL_LOG_BAUD 115200 // baud rate for logging output bool log_update=true; unsigned long last_log_send=0; #define SENDPERIOD 20 //ms. delay for sending speed and steer data to motor controller via serial #define LOGMININTERVAL 20 //minimum interval (ms) to send logs #define LOGMAXINTERVAL 10000 //maximum time (ms) after which data is send #define WRITE_HEADER_TIME 400 //just before FEEDBACKRECEIVETIMEOUT, so header gets written before error comments bool log_header_written = false; #define FEEDBACKRECEIVETIMEOUT 500 bool controllerFront_connected=false; bool controllerRear_connected=false; bool controllers_connected=false; #define PIN_THROTTLE A7 //const uint16_t calib_throttle_min = 420; //better a bit too high than too low //const uint16_t calib_throttle_max = 790; const uint16_t failsafe_throttle_min = 20; //if adc value falls below this failsafe is triggered const uint16_t failsafe_throttle_max = 1000; //if adc value goes above this failsafe is triggered const uint16_t throttleCurvePerMM[] = {414,460,490,511,527,539,548,555,561,567,573,578,584,590,599,611,630,657,697,754,789,795}; //adc values for every unit (mm) of linear travel #define PIN_BRAKE A8 const uint16_t calib_brake_min = 100;//better a bit too high than too low const uint16_t calib_brake_max = 600; const uint16_t failsafe_brake_min = 20; //if adc value falls below this failsafe is triggered const uint16_t failsafe_brake_max = 1000; //if adc value goes above this failsafe is triggered int16_t throttle_pos=0; int16_t brake_pos=0; unsigned long last_adcread=0; #define ADCREADPERIOD 10 uint16_t throttle_raw=0; #define THROTTLE_ADC_FILTER 0.1 //higher value = faster response uint16_t brake_raw=0; #define ADC_OUTOFRANGE_TIME 100 unsigned long throttle_ok_time=0; unsigned long brake_ok_time=0; bool error_throttle_outofrange=false; bool error_brake_outofrange=false; #define REVERSE_ENABLE_TIME 1000 //ms. how long standstill to be able to drive backward #define REVERSE_SPEED 0.15 //reverse driving speed //0 to 1 #define NORMAL_MAX_ACCELERATION_RATE 10000 #define SLOW_MAX_ACCELERATION_RATE 500 int16_t max_acceleration_rate=NORMAL_MAX_ACCELERATION_RATE; //maximum cmd send increase per second float meanSpeedms=0; float trip=0; //trip distance in meters float wheelcircumference=0.5278; //wheel diameter in m. 8.4cm radius -> 0.084m*2*Pi float currentConsumed=0; //Ah //Driving parameters int16_t minimum_constant_cmd_reduce=1; //reduce cmd every loop by this constant amount when freewheeling/braking int16_t brake_cmdreduce_proportional=500; //cmd gets reduced by an amount proportional to brake position (ignores freewheeling). cmd_new-=brake_cmdreduce_proportional / second @ full brake. with BREAK_CMDREDUCE_CONSTANT=1000 car would stop with full brake at least after a second (ignoring influence of brake current control/freewheeling) float startbrakecurrent=3; //Ampere. "targeted brake current @full brake". at what point to start apply brake proportional to brake_pos. for everything above that cmd is reduced by freewheel_break_factor float startbrakecurrent_offset=0.1; //offset start point for breaking, because of reading fluctuations around 0A. set this slightly above idle current reading bool reverse_enabled=false; unsigned long last_notidle=0; //not rolling to fast, no pedal pressed #define PIN_START A9 #define PIN_LED_START 2 //Enginge start led #define PIN_LATCH_ENABLE A6 #define PIN_MODE_SWITCH 3 #define PIN_MODE_LEDG 4 #define PIN_MODE_LEDR 5 unsigned long last_send = 0; unsigned long last_receive = 0; float filtered_currentAll=0; int16_t cmd_send=0; int16_t last_cmd_send=0; uint8_t speedmode=0; #define SPEEDMODE_SLOW 1 #define SPEEDMODE_NORMAL 0 unsigned long button_start_lastchange=0; bool button_start_state=false; #define LONG_PRESS_ARMING_TIME 2000 #define DEBOUNCE_TIME 50 bool armed = false; //cmd output values forced to 0 if false // Global variables for serial communication typedef struct{ uint8_t idx = 0; // Index for new data pointer uint16_t bufStartFrame; // Buffer Start Frame byte *p; // Pointer declaration for the new received data byte incomingByte; byte incomingBytePrev; long lastValidDataSerial_time; } SerialRead; SerialRead SerialcomFront; SerialRead SerialcomRear; typedef struct{ uint16_t start; int16_t speedLeft; int16_t speedRight; uint16_t checksum; } SerialCommand; SerialCommand CommandFront; SerialCommand CommandRear; typedef struct{ //match this struct to hoverboard-firmware SerialFeedback struct in main.c uint16_t start; int16_t cmd1; int16_t cmd2; int16_t speedL_meas; //left speed is positive when driving forward int16_t speedR_meas; //right speed is negatie when driving forward int16_t batVoltage; int16_t boardTemp; int16_t curL_DC; //negative values are current consumed. positive values mean generated current int16_t curR_DC; uint16_t cmdLed; uint16_t checksum; } SerialFeedback; SerialFeedback FeedbackFront; SerialFeedback NewFeedbackFront; SerialFeedback FeedbackRear; SerialFeedback NewFeedbackRear; #define CURRENT_FILTER_SIZE 60 //latency is about CURRENT_FILTER_SIZE/2*MEASURE_INTERVAL (measure interval is defined by hoverboard controller) #define CURRENT_MEANVALUECOUNT 20 //0<= meanvaluecount < CURRENT_FILTER_SIZE/2. how many values will be used from sorted weight array from the center region. abour double this values reading are used typedef struct{ int16_t curL_DC[CURRENT_FILTER_SIZE] = {0}; //current will be inverted for this so positive value means consumed current int16_t curR_DC[CURRENT_FILTER_SIZE] = {0}; uint8_t cur_pos=0; int16_t cmdL=0; int16_t cmdR=0; float filtered_curL=0; float filtered_curR=0; unsigned long millis=0; //time when last message received } MotorParameter; MotorParameter motorparamsFront; MotorParameter motorparamsRear; void SendSerial(SerialCommand &scom, int16_t uSpeedLeft, int16_t uSpeedRight, HardwareSerial &SerialRef); bool ReceiveSerial(SerialRead &sread, SerialFeedback &Feedback,SerialFeedback &NewFeedback, HardwareSerial &SerialRef); int sort_desc(const void *cmp1, const void *cmp2); float filterMedian(int16_t* values); void writeLogHeader(HardwareSerial &SerialRef); void writeLog(HardwareSerial &SerialRef, unsigned long time, MotorParameter &mpfront, MotorParameter &mprear, SerialFeedback &fbfront, SerialFeedback &fbrear, float currentAll, int16_t throttle, int16_t brake); void writeLogComment(HardwareSerial &SerialRef, String msg); void readADC(); void failChecks(); void sendCMD(); void checkLog(); void updateMotorparams( MotorParameter &mp, SerialFeedback &fb); void leds(); void readButtons(); uint16_t linearizeThrottle(uint16_t v); #include //for teensy rtc time_t getTeensy3Time(); void SendSerial(SerialCommand &scom, int16_t uSpeedLeft, int16_t uSpeedRight, HardwareSerial &SerialRef) { // Create command scom.start = (uint16_t)START_FRAME; scom.speedLeft = (int16_t)uSpeedLeft; scom.speedRight = (int16_t)uSpeedRight; scom.checksum = (uint16_t)(scom.start ^ scom.speedLeft ^ scom.speedRight); SerialRef.write((uint8_t *) &scom, sizeof(scom)); } bool ReceiveSerial(SerialRead &sread, SerialFeedback &Feedback,SerialFeedback &NewFeedback, HardwareSerial &SerialRef) { bool _result=1; // Check for new data availability in the Serial buffer if ( SerialRef.available() ) { sread.incomingByte = SerialRef.read(); // Read the incoming byte sread.bufStartFrame = ((uint16_t)(sread.incomingByte) << 8) | sread.incomingBytePrev; // Construct the start frame } else { return 0; } // If DEBUG_RX is defined print all incoming bytes #ifdef DEBUG_RX Serial.print(sread.incomingByte); #endif // Copy received data if (sread.bufStartFrame == START_FRAME) { // Initialize if new data is detected sread.p = (byte *)&NewFeedback; *sread.p++ = sread.incomingBytePrev; *sread.p++ = sread.incomingByte; sread.idx = 2; } else if (sread.idx >= 2 && sread.idx < sizeof(SerialFeedback)) { // Save the new received data *sread.p++ = sread.incomingByte; sread.idx++; } // Check if we reached the end of the package if (sread.idx == sizeof(SerialFeedback)) { uint16_t checksum; checksum = (uint16_t)(NewFeedback.start ^ NewFeedback.cmd1 ^ NewFeedback.cmd2 ^ NewFeedback.speedR_meas ^ NewFeedback.speedL_meas ^ NewFeedback.batVoltage ^ NewFeedback.boardTemp ^ NewFeedback.curL_DC ^ NewFeedback.curR_DC ^ NewFeedback.cmdLed); // Check validity of the new data if (NewFeedback.start == START_FRAME && checksum == NewFeedback.checksum) { // Copy the new data memcpy(&Feedback, &NewFeedback, sizeof(SerialFeedback)); sread.lastValidDataSerial_time = millis(); } else { _result=0; } sread.idx = 0; // Reset the index (it prevents to enter in this if condition in the next cycle) } /* // Print data to built-in Serial Serial.print("1: "); Serial.print(Feedback.cmd1); Serial.print(" 2: "); Serial.print(Feedback.cmd2); Serial.print(" 3: "); Serial.print(Feedback.speedR); Serial.print(" 4: "); Serial.print(Feedback.speedL); Serial.print(" 5: "); Serial.print(Feedback.speedR_meas); Serial.print(" 6: "); Serial.print(Feedback.speedL_meas); Serial.print(" 7: "); Serial.print(Feedback.batVoltage); Serial.print(" 8: "); Serial.println(Feedback.boardTemp); } else { Serial.println("Non-valid data skipped"); }*/ // Update previous states sread.incomingBytePrev = sread.incomingByte; return _result; //new data was available } // ########################## SETUP ########################## void setup() { Serial.begin(SERIAL_BAUD); //Debug and Program Serial1.begin(SERIAL_LOG_BAUD); //TX1=1, RX1=0 Serial2.begin(SERIAL_CONTROL_BAUD); //control, TX2=10, RX2=9 Serial3.begin(SERIAL_CONTROL_BAUD); //control, TX3=8, RX3=7 pinMode(PIN_THROTTLE, INPUT); pinMode(PIN_BRAKE, INPUT); pinMode(PIN_START, INPUT_PULLUP); //Pressed=High pinMode(PIN_LED_START, OUTPUT); //Active High pinMode(PIN_MODE_LEDG, OUTPUT); //Active Low digitalWrite(PIN_MODE_LEDG,LOW); pinMode(PIN_MODE_LEDR, OUTPUT); //Active Low digitalWrite(PIN_MODE_LEDR,LOW); pinMode(PIN_LATCH_ENABLE, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(PIN_LATCH_ENABLE,HIGH); //latch on pinMode(PIN_MODE_SWITCH, INPUT_PULLUP); setSyncProvider(getTeensy3Time); //See https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_Time.html#teensy3 if (timeStatus()!= timeSet) { Serial.println("Unable to sync with the RTC"); } else { Serial.println("RTC has set the system time"); } } unsigned long loopmillis; // ########################## LOOP ########################## void loop() { loopmillis=millis(); //read millis for this cycle bool newData2=ReceiveSerial(SerialcomFront,FeedbackFront, NewFeedbackFront, Serial2); bool newData3=ReceiveSerial(SerialcomRear,FeedbackRear, NewFeedbackRear, Serial3); if (newData2) { updateMotorparams(motorparamsFront,FeedbackFront); } if (newData3) { updateMotorparams(motorparamsRear,FeedbackRear); } if (loopmillis - last_adcread > ADCREADPERIOD) { //read teensy adc and filter last_adcread=loopmillis; readADC(); readButtons(); } failChecks(); if (loopmillis - last_send > SENDPERIOD) { //Calculate motor stuff and send to motor controllers last_send=loopmillis; sendCMD(); //Update speed and trip float _meanRPM=(FeedbackFront.speedL_meas-FeedbackFront.speedR_meas+FeedbackRear.speedL_meas-FeedbackRear.speedR_meas)/4.0; meanSpeedms=_meanRPM*wheelcircumference/60.0; // Units: 1/min * m / 60s trip+=abs(meanSpeedms)* (SENDPERIOD/1000.0); //mah consumed currentConsumed += (motorparamsFront.filtered_curL+motorparamsFront.filtered_curR+motorparamsRear.filtered_curL+motorparamsRear.filtered_curR)* (SENDPERIOD/1000.0)/3600.0; //amp hours } //If needed write log to serial port checkLog(); leds(); } // ##### HELPFUNCTIONS time_t getTeensy3Time() { return Teensy3Clock.get(); } int sort_desc(const void *cmp1, const void *cmp2) //compare function for qsort { float a = *((float *)cmp1); float b = *((float *)cmp2); return a > b ? -1 : (a < b ? 1 : 0); } float filterMedian(int16_t* values) { float copied_values[CURRENT_FILTER_SIZE]; for(int i=0;i0 || meanSpeedms>0.5 || (!reverse_enabled && brake_pos>0)) { //reset idle time on these conditions (disables reverse driving) last_notidle=loopmillis; reverse_enabled=false; } if (loopmillis-last_notidle > REVERSE_ENABLE_TIME) { reverse_enabled=true; } int16_t throttlebreak_pos = throttle_pos-brake_pos*2; //reduce throttle_when applying brake throttle_pos=constrain(throttlebreak_pos,0,1000); brake_pos=constrain(-throttlebreak_pos/2,0,1000); //rescale brake value from throttlebreak_pos //Serial.print(throttle_raw); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(brake_raw); Serial.print(", "); //Serial.print(throttle_pos); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(brake_pos); Serial.println(); if (digitalRead(PIN_MODE_SWITCH)) { //pushed in, also high if cable got disconnected if (speedmode!=SPEEDMODE_SLOW) { speedmode=SPEEDMODE_SLOW; max_acceleration_rate=SLOW_MAX_ACCELERATION_RATE; if (loopmillis>WRITE_HEADER_TIME) { writeLogComment(Serial1,loopmillis, "Mode switched to SPEEDMODE_SLOW"); } } }else{ //button not pushed in if (speedmode!=SPEEDMODE_NORMAL) { speedmode=SPEEDMODE_NORMAL; max_acceleration_rate=NORMAL_MAX_ACCELERATION_RATE; if (loopmillis>WRITE_HEADER_TIME) { writeLogComment(Serial1,loopmillis, "Mode switched to SPEEDMODE_NORMAL"); } } } if (speedmode==SPEEDMODE_SLOW) { throttle_pos/=2; } } void failChecks() { if ( loopmillis > motorparamsFront.millis+FEEDBACKRECEIVETIMEOUT ) { //controller disconnected if (controllerFront_connected) { //just got disconnected controllerFront_connected=false; writeLogComment(Serial1,loopmillis, "Controller Front feedback timeout"); } }else if(!controllerFront_connected && loopmillis > FEEDBACKRECEIVETIMEOUT) { //not timeouted but was before controllerFront_connected=true; writeLogComment(Serial1,loopmillis, "Controller Front connected"); } if ( loopmillis > motorparamsRear.millis+FEEDBACKRECEIVETIMEOUT ) { //controller disconnected if (controllerRear_connected) { //just got disconnected controllerRear_connected=false; writeLogComment(Serial1,loopmillis, "Controller Rear feedback timeout"); } }else if(!controllerRear_connected && loopmillis > FEEDBACKRECEIVETIMEOUT) { //not timeouted but was before controllerRear_connected=true; writeLogComment(Serial1,loopmillis, "Controller Rear connected"); } controllers_connected=controllerFront_connected & controllerRear_connected; //ADC Range Check if ((throttle_raw >= failsafe_throttle_min) & (throttle_raw <= failsafe_throttle_max)) { //inside safe range (to check if wire got disconnected) throttle_ok_time=loopmillis; } if (loopmillis>throttle_ok_time+ADC_OUTOFRANGE_TIME) { //not ok for too long if (!error_throttle_outofrange) { error_throttle_outofrange=true; writeLogComment(Serial1,loopmillis, "Error Throttle ADC Out of Range"); } } if ((brake_raw >= failsafe_brake_min) & (brake_raw <= failsafe_brake_max)) { //outside safe range. maybe wire got disconnected brake_ok_time=loopmillis; } if (loopmillis>brake_ok_time+ADC_OUTOFRANGE_TIME) { //not ok for too long if(!error_brake_outofrange) { error_brake_outofrange=true; writeLogComment(Serial1,loopmillis, "Error Brake ADC Out of Range"); } } if (!controllers_connected || error_brake_outofrange || error_throttle_outofrange) { //any errors? throttle_pos=0; brake_pos=0; } } void sendCMD() { /* ## FOR REFERENCE: int16_t minimum_constant_cmd_reduce=1; //reduce cmd every loop by this constant amount when freewheeling/braking int16_t brake_cmdreduce_proportional=100; //cmd gets reduced by an amount proportional to brake position (ignores freewheeling). cmd_new-=brake_cmdreduce_proportional / second @ full brake. with BREAK_CMDREDUCE_CONSTANT=1000 car would stop with full brake at least after a second (ignoring influence of brake current control/freewheeling) float startbrakecurrent=3; //Ampere. "targeted brake current @full brake". at what point to start apply brake proportional to brake_pos. for everything above that cmd is reduced by freewheel_break_factor float startbrakecurrent_offset=0.1; //offset start point for breaking, because of reading fluctuations around 0A. set this slightly above idle current reading */ int16_t brake_pos_expo = (int16_t)(pow((brake_pos/1000.0),2)*1000); float brakepedal_current_multiplier=startbrakecurrent/1000.0; //how much breaking (in Ampere) for unit of brake_pos (0<=brake_pos<=1000) int16_t cmdreduce_constant=map(brake_pos_expo,0,1000,0,(int16_t)(brake_cmdreduce_proportional*SENDPERIOD/1000)); //reduce cmd value every cycle float freewheel_current=startbrakecurrent_offset-brake_pos_expo*brakepedal_current_multiplier; //above which driving current cmd send will be reduced more. increase value to decrease breaking. values <0 increases breaking above freewheeling float freewheel_break_factor=500.0; //speed cmd units per amp per second. 1A over freewheel_current decreases cmd speed by this amount (on average) motorparamsFront.filtered_curL=filterMedian(motorparamsFront.curL_DC)/50.0; //in Amps motorparamsFront.filtered_curR=filterMedian(motorparamsFront.curR_DC)/50.0; //in Amps motorparamsRear.filtered_curL=filterMedian(motorparamsRear.curL_DC)/50.0; //in Amps motorparamsRear.filtered_curR=filterMedian(motorparamsRear.curR_DC)/50.0; //in Amps float filtered_currentFront=max(motorparamsFront.filtered_curL,motorparamsFront.filtered_curR); float filtered_currentRear=max(motorparamsRear.filtered_curL,motorparamsRear.filtered_curR); filtered_currentAll=max(filtered_currentFront,filtered_currentRear); //positive value is current Drawn from battery. negative value is braking current if (throttle_pos>=last_cmd_send) { //accelerating cmd_send += constrain(throttle_pos-cmd_send,0,max_acceleration_rate*SENDPERIOD/1000); //if throttle higher than last applied value, apply throttle directly }else{ //freewheeling or braking if (filtered_currentAll>freewheel_current) { //drive current too high cmd_send-= max(0, (filtered_currentAll-freewheel_current)*freewheel_break_factor*(SENDPERIOD/1000.0)); //how much current over freewheel current, multiplied by factor. reduces cmd_send value } cmd_send-=max(minimum_constant_cmd_reduce,cmdreduce_constant); //reduce slowly anyways } cmd_send=constrain(cmd_send,0,1000); last_cmd_send=cmd_send; int16_t cmd_send_toMotor=constrain(cmd_send* (1.0-(brake_pos*0.5/1000.0) ) ,0,1000); //brake "ducking" if (reverse_enabled) { cmd_send_toMotor-=brake_pos*REVERSE_SPEED; } if (!controllers_connected || !armed) { //controllers not connected or not armed cmd_send=0; cmd_send_toMotor=0; //safety off } //apply throttle command to all motors motorparamsFront.cmdL=cmd_send_toMotor; motorparamsFront.cmdR=cmd_send_toMotor; motorparamsRear.cmdL=cmd_send_toMotor; motorparamsRear.cmdR=cmd_send_toMotor; if (controllers_connected) { SendSerial(CommandFront,motorparamsFront.cmdL,motorparamsFront.cmdR,Serial2); SendSerial(CommandRear,motorparamsRear.cmdL,motorparamsRear.cmdR,Serial3); log_update=true; //Serial.print(cmd_send); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(throttle_pos); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(filtered_curFL*1000); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(filtered_curFR*1000); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(filtered_currentAll*1000); Serial.println() }/*else if(loopmillis>last_log_send+LOGMININTERVAL){ //Serial.print(throttle_raw); Serial.println(); Serial.print(linearizeThrottle(throttle_raw)); Serial.println(); last_log_send=loopmillis; }*/ } void checkLog() { if (!log_header_written && loopmillis>=WRITE_HEADER_TIME){ //write header for log file after logger booted up writeLogInfo(Serial1); writeLogHeader(Serial1); log_header_written=true; } if (log_header_written && ( (log_update && loopmillis>last_log_send+LOGMININTERVAL) || loopmillis>last_log_send+LOGMAXINTERVAL) ) { last_log_send=loopmillis; log_update=false; writeLog(Serial1,loopmillis, motorparamsFront,motorparamsRear, FeedbackFront, FeedbackRear, filtered_currentAll, throttle_pos, brake_pos); } } void updateMotorparams( MotorParameter &mp, SerialFeedback &fb) { mp.cur_pos++; mp.cur_pos%=CURRENT_FILTER_SIZE; mp.curL_DC[mp.cur_pos] = -fb.curL_DC; //invert so positive current is consumed current. negative then means regenerated mp.curR_DC[mp.cur_pos] = -fb.curR_DC; mp.millis=loopmillis; log_update=true; } void leds() { //Start LED if (!armed) { //disarmed digitalWrite(PIN_LED_START,((loopmillis/1000)%2 == 0)); //high is on for LED_START. blink every second. loopmillis 0 - 1000 led is on. }else{ //armed digitalWrite(PIN_LED_START,HIGH); //LED On } if (speedmode==SPEEDMODE_SLOW) { digitalWrite(PIN_MODE_LEDG,LOW); //Green, low is on digitalWrite(PIN_MODE_LEDR,HIGH); }else if (speedmode==SPEEDMODE_NORMAL) { digitalWrite(PIN_MODE_LEDG,HIGH); digitalWrite(PIN_MODE_LEDR,LOW); //Red } } void readButtons() { if (loopmillis > button_start_lastchange+DEBOUNCE_TIME) { //wait some time after last change if (digitalRead(PIN_START) && !button_start_state) { //start engine button pressed and was not pressed before button_start_state=true; //pressed button_start_lastchange=loopmillis; //save time for debouncing }else if (!digitalRead(PIN_START) && button_start_state) { //released an was pressed before button_start_state=false; // not pressed button_start_lastchange=loopmillis; //save time for debouncing } } if (button_start_state) { //pressed if ( (loopmillis> button_start_lastchange + LONG_PRESS_ARMING_TIME)) { //pressed long if (throttle_pos<=0 && brake_pos<=0 && controllers_connected && !armed) { //brake or thottle not pressed, controllers connected armed=true; //arm if button pressed long enough writeLogComment(Serial1,loopmillis, "Armed by button"); } }else if (armed){ //not pressed long enough and is armed armed=false; //disarm writeLogComment(Serial1,loopmillis, "Disarmed by button"); } } } uint16_t linearizeThrottle(uint16_t v) { //input is raw adc value from hall sensor //uses throttleCurvePerMM array to find linear approximation of actual throttle travel //array has to be sorted ! uint8_t _searchpos=0; uint8_t arraysize = sizeof(throttleCurvePerMM)/sizeof(throttleCurvePerMM[0]); while (_searchpos < arraysize && v>throttleCurvePerMM[_searchpos]) { //find arraypos with value above input value _searchpos++; //try next value } if (_searchpos <=0) { //lower limit return 0; } if (_searchpos >= arraysize) { //upper limit return 1000; } uint16_t nextLower=throttleCurvePerMM[_searchpos-1]; uint16_t nextHigher=throttleCurvePerMM[_searchpos]; float _linearThrottle = _searchpos+map(v*1.0,nextLower,nextHigher,0.0,1.0); _linearThrottle/=arraysize; //scale to 0-1 _linearThrottle*=1000; //scale to 0-1000 return (uint16_t)_linearThrottle; }