require 'helper' describe Twitter::REST::Client do before do @client = => 'CK', :consumer_secret => 'CS', :access_token => 'AT', :access_token_secret => 'AS') end describe '.new' do context 'when invalid credentials are provided' do it 'raises a ConfigurationError exception' do expect { => [12_345, 54_321]) }.to raise_exception(Twitter::Error::ConfigurationError) end end context 'when no credentials are provided' do it 'does not raise an exception' do expect { }.not_to raise_error end end end describe '.credentials?' do it 'returns true if only bearer_token is supplied' do client = => 'BT') expect(client.credentials?).to be true end it 'returns true if all OAuth credentials are present' do client = => 'CK', :consumer_secret => 'CS', :access_token => 'AT', :access_token_secret => 'AS') expect(client.credentials?).to be true end it 'returns false if any credentials are missing' do client = => 'CK', :consumer_secret => 'CS', :access_token => 'AT') expect(client.credentials?).to be false end end it 'does not cache the screen name across clients' do stub_get('/1.1/account/verify_credentials.json').to_return(:body => fixture('sferik.json'), :headers => {:content_type => 'application/json; charset=utf-8'}) user1 = => 'CK', :consumer_secret => 'CS', :access_token => 'AT', :access_token_secret => 'AS').current_user stub_get('/1.1/account/verify_credentials.json').to_return(:body => fixture('pengwynn.json'), :headers => {:content_type => 'application/json; charset=utf-8'}) user2 = => 'CK', :consumer_secret => 'CS', :access_token => 'AT', :access_token_secret => 'AS').current_user expect(user1).not_to eq(user2) end describe '#user_token?' do it 'returns true if the user token/secret are present' do client = => 'CK', :consumer_secret => 'CS', :access_token => 'AT', :access_token_secret => 'AS') expect(client.user_token?).to be true end it 'returns false if the user token/secret are not completely present' do client = => 'CK', :consumer_secret => 'CS', :access_token => 'AT') expect(client.user_token?).to be false end end describe '#bearer_token?' do it 'returns true if the app token is present' do client = => 'CK', :consumer_secret => 'CS', :bearer_token => 'BT') expect(client.bearer_token?).to be true end it 'returns false if the bearer_token is not present' do client = => 'CK', :consumer_secret => 'CS') expect(client.bearer_token?).to be false end end describe '#connection_options=' do it 'sets connection options' do capture_warning do @client.connection_options = 'connection options' end expect(@client.connection_options).to eq('connection options') end it 'outputs a warning' do warning = capture_warning do @client.connection_options = nil end expect(warning).to match(/\[DEPRECATION\] Twitter::REST::Client#connection_options= is deprecated and will be removed in version 6\.0\.0\.$/) end end describe '#connection_options' do it 'returns the connection options hash with proxy and user_agent' do client = do |config| config.consumer_key = 'CK' config.consumer_secret = 'CS' config.access_token = 'AT' config.access_token_secret = 'ATS' config.proxy = 'http://localhost:99' config.user_agent = 'My Twitter Ruby Gem' end expect(client.connection_options[:proxy]).to eql('http://localhost:99') expect(client.connection_options[:headers][:user_agent]).to eql('My Twitter Ruby Gem') end end describe '#middleware=' do it 'sets middleware' do capture_warning do @client.middleware = 'middleware' end expect(@client.middleware).to eq 'middleware' end it 'outputs a warning' do warning = capture_warning do @client.middleware = nil end expect(warning).to match(/\[DEPRECATION\] Twitter::REST::Client#middleware= is deprecated and will be removed in version 6\.0\.0\.$/) end end describe '#credentials?' do it 'returns true if all credentials are present' do client = => 'CK', :consumer_secret => 'CS', :access_token => 'AT', :access_token_secret => 'AS') expect(client.credentials?).to be true end it 'returns false if any credentials are missing' do client = => 'CK', :consumer_secret => 'CS', :access_token => 'AT') expect(client.credentials?).to be false end end describe '#connection' do it 'looks like Faraday connection' do expect(@client.send(:connection)).to respond_to(:run_request) end it 'memoizes the connection' do c1, c2 = @client.send(:connection), @client.send(:connection) expect(c1.object_id).to eq(c2.object_id) end end describe '#request' do it 'encodes the entire body when no uploaded media is present' do stub_post('/1.1/statuses/update.json').with(:body => {:status => 'Update'}).to_return(:body => fixture('status.json'), :headers => {:content_type => 'application/json; charset=utf-8'}) @client.update('Update') expect(a_post('/1.1/statuses/update.json').with(:body => {:status => 'Update'})).to have_been_made end it 'encodes none of the body when uploaded media is present' do stub_post('/1.1/statuses/update_with_media.json').to_return(:body => fixture('status.json'), :headers => {:content_type => 'application/json; charset=utf-8'}) @client.update_with_media('Update', fixture('pbjt.gif')) expect(a_post('/1.1/statuses/update_with_media.json')).to have_been_made end it 'catches and reraises Faraday timeout errors' do allow(@client).to receive(:connection).and_raise('execution expired')) expect { @client.send(:request, :get, '/path') }.to raise_error(Twitter::Error::RequestTimeout) end it 'catches and reraises Timeout errors' do allow(@client).to receive(:connection).and_raise('execution expired')) expect { @client.send(:request, :get, '/path') }.to raise_error(Twitter::Error::RequestTimeout) end it 'catches and reraises Faraday client errors' do allow(@client).to receive(:connection).and_raise('connection failed')) expect { @client.send(:request, :get, '/path') }.to raise_error(Twitter::Error) end it 'catches and reraises JSON::ParserError errors' do allow(@client).to receive(:connection).and_raise('unexpected token')) expect { @client.send(:request, :get, '/path') }.to raise_error(Twitter::Error) end end describe '#oauth_auth_header' do it 'creates the correct auth headers' do uri = Twitter::REST::Client::URL_PREFIX + '/1.1/direct_messages.json' authorization = @client.send(:oauth_auth_header, :get, uri) expect(authorization.options[:signature_method]).to eq('HMAC-SHA1') expect(authorization.options[:version]).to eq('1.0') expect(authorization.options[:consumer_key]).to eq('CK') expect(authorization.options[:consumer_secret]).to eq('CS') expect(authorization.options[:token]).to eq('AT') expect(authorization.options[:token_secret]).to eq('AS') end it 'submits the correct auth header when no media is present' do # We use static values for nounce and timestamp to get a stable signature secret = {:consumer_key => 'CK', :consumer_secret => 'CS', :token => 'OT', :token_secret => 'OS', :nonce => 'b6ebe4c2a11af493f8a2290fe1296965', :timestamp => '1370968658'} headers = {:authorization => /oauth_signature="FbthwmgGq02iQw%2FuXGEWaL6V6eM%3D"/, :content_type => 'application/json; charset=utf-8'} allow(@client).to receive(:credentials).and_return(secret) stub_post('/1.1/statuses/update.json').with(:body => {:status => 'Just a test'}).to_return(:body => fixture('status.json'), :headers => headers) @client.update('Just a test') expect(a_post('/1.1/statuses/update.json').with(:headers => {:authorization => headers[:authorization]})).to have_been_made end it 'submits the correct auth header when media is present' do # We use static values for nounce and timestamp to get a stable signature secret = {:consumer_key => 'CK', :consumer_secret => 'CS', :token => 'OT', :token_secret => 'OS', :nonce => 'e08201ad0dab4897c99445056feefd95', :timestamp => '1370967652'} headers = {:authorization => /oauth_signature="9ziouUPwZT9IWWRbJL8r0BerKYA%3D"/, :content_type => 'application/json; charset=utf-8'} allow(@client).to receive(:credentials).and_return(secret) stub_post('/1.1/statuses/update_with_media.json').to_return(:body => fixture('status.json'), :headers => headers) @client.update_with_media('Just a test', fixture('pbjt.gif')) expect(a_post('/1.1/statuses/update_with_media.json').with(:headers => {:authorization => headers[:authorization]})).to have_been_made end end describe '#bearer_auth_header' do it 'creates the correct auth headers with supplied bearer_token' do client = => 'BT') authorization = client.send(:bearer_auth_header) expect(authorization).to eq('Bearer BT') end it 'creates the correct auth headers with supplied bearer token' do token = => 'bearer', :access_token => 'BT') client = => token) authorization = client.send(:bearer_auth_header) expect(authorization).to eq('Bearer BT') end end describe '#bearer_token_credentials_auth_header' do it 'creates the correct auth header with supplied consumer_key and consumer_secret' do authorization = @client.send(:bearer_token_credentials_auth_header) expect(authorization).to eq('Basic Q0s6Q1M=') end end end