var Notification = window.Notification || window.mozNotification || window.webkitNotification; var data; var laststate; Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) { // console.log(permission); }); function showopen() { var instance = new Notification( "CTDO - Status", { body: "Der Chaostreff Dortmund ist nun offen.", icon: "/img/green.png" } ); instance.onclick = function () { // Something to do }; instance.onerror = function () { // Something to do }; instance.onshow = function () { setTimeout(function(){ instance.close(); }, 3000); }; instance.onclose = function () { // Something to do }; } function showclose() { var instance = new Notification( "CTDO - Status", { body: "Der Chaostreff Dortmund ist nun geschlossen.", icon: "/img/red.png" } ); instance.onclick = function () { // Something to do }; instance.onerror = function () { // Something to do }; instance.onshow = function () { setTimeout(function(){ instance.close(); }, 3000); }; instance.onclose = function () { // Something to do }; } window.setInterval(function(){ $.getJSON("/api/simple/v2", function(data){ var html = []; $.each(data, function(index, value){ if (index == 'state' && value == false && laststate != false) { laststate = false; showclose(); } else if (index == 'state' && value == true && laststate != true) { laststate = true; showopen(); }else { // Nothing } }); }); }, 60000);