-------- node-osc -------- A very basic OSC client (so far) implementation based heavily on pyOSC_. Relies on current trunk of node.js for the dgram library. .. _pyOSC: https://trac.v2.nl/wiki/pyOSC Install using npm npm install node-osc Example ------- Sending OSC messages: :: var osc = require('node-osc'); var client = new osc.Client('', 3333); client.send('/oscAddress', 200); Listening for OSC messages: :: var osc = require('./lib/osc'); var oscServer = new osc.Server(3333, ''); oscServer.on("message", function (msg, rinfo) { console.log("TUIO message:"); console.log(msg); }); Example of received TUIO (based on OSC) messages: :: TUIO message: [ [ '/tuio/2Dcur', 'alive', 3 ], [ '/tuio/2Dcur', 'set', 3, 0.5218750238418579, 0.3895833194255829, 0, 0, 0 ], [ '/tuio/2Dcur', 'fseq', 2842 ] ] TUIO message: [ [ '/tuio/2Dcur', 'alive', 3 ], [ '/tuio/2Dcur', 'set', 3, 0.5218750238418579, 0.3895833194255829, 0, 0, 0 ], [ '/tuio/2Dcur', 'fseq', 2843 ] ] TUIO message: [ [ '/tuio/2Dcur', 'alive' ], [ '/tuio/2Dcur', 'fseq', 2844 ] ] Licensing --------- LGPL. Please see the file lesser.txt for details.