mainmenu_option next_comment comment "Animations" dep_bool "Scrolltext" ANIMATION_SCROLLTEXT $SCROLLTEXT_SUPPORT bool "Spirale" ANIMATION_SPIRALE bool "Joern1" ANIMATION_JOERN1 dep_bool_menu "Snake" ANIMATION_SNAKE $RANDOM_SUPPORT int "Snake delay" SNAKE_DELAY 100 endmenu bool "Schachbrett" ANIMATION_SCHACHBRETT dep_bool_menu "Feuer" ANIMATION_FEUER $RANDOM_SUPPORT int "FEUER_S" FEUER_S 30 int "FEUER_N" FEUER_N 5 int "FEUER_DIV" FEUER_DIV 44 int "FEUER_DELAY" FEUER_DELAY 50 endmenu dep_bool_menu "Matrix" ANIMATION_MATRIX $RANDOM_SUPPORT int "Number of streamers" MATRIX_STREAMER_NUM 30 int "Run for this number of rounds" MATRIX_CYCLES 500 endmenu dep_bool "Random Bright" ANIMATION_RANDOM_BRIGHT $RANDOM_SUPPORT dep_bool "Stonefly" ANIMATION_STONEFLY $GAME_TETRIS_CORE dep_bool "Flying Dots" ANIMATION_FLYINGDOTS $RANDOM_SUPPORT dep_bool_menu "Game of Life" ANIMATION_GAMEOFLIFE $RANDOM_SUPPORT int "Game of Life round delay (ms)" GOL_DELAY 100 int "Game of Life max rounds" GOL_CYCLES 360 endmenu dep_bool "Breakout Demo" ANIMATION_BREAKOUT $GAME_BREAKOUT bool "Martin Herweg" ANIMATION_MHERWEG $RANDOM_SUPPORT dep_bool "Langton Ant" ANIMATION_LTN_ANT $RANDOM_SUPPORT dep_bool_menu "Time Display" ANIMATION_TIME $SCROLLTEXT_SUPPORT $LAP_TIME_EXTENSION hex "Time master address (hex)" TIME_MASTER_ADDR 0x00 int "Request timeout (ms)" TIME_UPDATE_TIMEOUT 23 endmenu dep_bool_menu "Bitmap Scroller" ANIMATION_BMSCROLLER y $RANDOM_SUPPORT dep_bool "LABOR Logo" ANIMATION_LABORLOGO $ANIMATION_BMSCROLLER dep_bool "Amphibian" ANIMATION_AMPHIBIAN $ANIMATION_BMSCROLLER dep_bool "Out of Spec Logo" ANIMATION_LOGO_OOS $ANIMATION_BMSCROLLER endmenu bool "Plasma" ANIMATION_PLASMA bool "Psychedelic" ANIMATION_PSYCHEDELIC comment "Special Animations" bool "Test Animations" ANIMATION_TESTS bool "Display off mode" ANIMATION_OFF endmenu