#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../config.h" #include "../borg_hw/borg_hw.h" #ifdef JOYSTICK_SUPPORT #include "../joystick/joystick.h" extern unsigned char waitForFire; #endif #include "../scrolltext/scrolltext.h" #include "uart.h" #include "uart_commands.h" #define UART_SCROLL_BUFFER_SIZE (SCROLLTEXT_BUFFER_SIZE + 8) char g_rx_buffer[UART_SCROLL_BUFFER_SIZE]; uint8_t g_rx_index; extern jmp_buf newmode_jmpbuf; volatile unsigned char mode; void uartcmd_clear_buffer(void) { char *p = &g_rx_buffer[0]; for (uint8_t i = UART_SCROLL_BUFFER_SIZE; i--;) { *p++ = 0; } g_rx_index = 0; } char const UART_STR_PROMPT[] PROGMEM = "\r\n> "; char const UART_STR_ERROR[] PROGMEM = "\r\ntransmission error"; char const UART_STR_UNKNOWN[] PROGMEM = "\r\nunknown command"; char const UART_STR_TOOLONG[] PROGMEM = "\r\ncommand to long"; char const UART_STR_HELP[] PROGMEM = "\r\nhelp msg next prev reset scroll"; char const UART_CMD_HELP[] PROGMEM = "help"; char const UART_CMD_MSG[] PROGMEM = "msg "; char const UART_CMD_NEXT[] PROGMEM = "next"; char const UART_CMD_PREV[] PROGMEM = "prev"; char const UART_CMD_RESET[] PROGMEM = "reset"; char const UART_CMD_SCROLL[] PROGMEM = "scroll "; bool uartcmd_read_until_enter(void) { while (g_rx_index < (UART_SCROLL_BUFFER_SIZE - 1)) { int uart_result = uart_getc(); switch (uart_result & 0xFF00u) { case 0: if (!(uart_result == '\r' || uart_result == '\n')) { g_rx_buffer[g_rx_index++] = uart_result; uart_putc(uart_result); } else { g_rx_buffer[g_rx_index++] = 0; return true; } break; case UART_FRAME_ERROR: case UART_OVERRUN_ERROR: case UART_PARITY_ERROR: case UART_BUFFER_OVERFLOW: uartcmd_clear_buffer(); uart_puts_p(UART_STR_ERROR); uart_puts_p(UART_STR_PROMPT); break; case UART_NO_DATA: default: return false; break; } } if (g_rx_index >= (UART_SCROLL_BUFFER_SIZE - 1)) { uartcmd_clear_buffer(); uart_puts_p(UART_STR_TOOLONG); uart_puts_p(UART_STR_PROMPT); } return false; } void uartcmd_process(void) { if (uartcmd_read_until_enter()) { if (!strncmp_P(g_rx_buffer, UART_CMD_HELP, 4)) { uart_puts_p(UART_STR_HELP); } else if (!strncmp_P(g_rx_buffer, UART_CMD_MSG, 4)) { g_rx_buffer[1] = '<'; g_rx_buffer[2] = '/'; g_rx_buffer[3] = '#'; // text must not be longer than the scroll text buffer g_rx_buffer[1 + SCROLLTEXT_BUFFER_SIZE - 1] = 0; scrolltext(&g_rx_buffer[1]); } else if (!strncmp_P(g_rx_buffer, UART_CMD_NEXT, 4)) { uart_puts_p(UART_STR_PROMPT); uartcmd_clear_buffer(); #ifdef JOYSTICK_SUPPORT if (waitForFire) #endif longjmp(newmode_jmpbuf, mode); } else if (!strncmp_P(g_rx_buffer, UART_CMD_PREV, 4)) { uart_puts_p(UART_STR_PROMPT); uartcmd_clear_buffer(); if (mode > 1) { #ifdef JOYSTICK_SUPPORT if (waitForFire) #endif longjmp(newmode_jmpbuf, mode - 2); } } else if (!strncmp_P(g_rx_buffer, UART_CMD_RESET, UART_SCROLL_BUFFER_SIZE)) { timer0_off(); } else if (!strncmp_P(g_rx_buffer, UART_CMD_SCROLL, 7)) { // text must not be longer than the scroll text buffer g_rx_buffer[7 + SCROLLTEXT_BUFFER_SIZE - 1] = 0; scrolltext(&g_rx_buffer[7]); } else { uart_puts_p(UART_STR_UNKNOWN); } uart_puts_p(UART_STR_PROMPT); uartcmd_clear_buffer(); } }