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155 KiB

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<element signature="n#{&#10;&#9;// clock is 8MHz&#10;&#9;TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10) ; // CTC Mode for Timer 1 (16Bit) with prescale of 64&#10;&#9;OCR1A = 250; // 500Hz&#10;&#9;TIMSK = _BV(OCIE1A);&#10;&#9;sei();&#9;// enable interrupts&#10;}#0;n#static void timer_init(void) {&#10;&#9;// clock is 8MHz&#10;&#9;TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10) ; // CTC Mode for Timer 1 (16Bit) with prescale of 64&#10;&#9;OCR1A = 250; // 500Hz&#10;&#9;TIMSK = _BV(OCIE1A);&#10;&#9;sei();&#9;// enable interrupts&#10;}#0;n#const uint8_t digit_translate[10] = {&#10; 63, 6, 91, 79, 102, 109, 125, 7, 127, 111&#10;};&#10;&#10;&#10;static void timer_init(void) {&#10;&#9;// clock is 8MHz&#10;&#9;TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10) ; // CTC Mode for Timer 1 (16Bit) with prescale of 64&#10;&#9;OCR1A = 250; // 500Hz&#10;&#9;TIMSK = _BV(OCIE1A);&#10;&#9;sei();&#9;// enable interrupts&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void ports_init(void) {&#10; // make column / digit driver pins to output&#10; LEDDIG_DDR |= _BV(LEDS_MID1) | _BV(LEDS_MID2) | _BV(LEDS_LOAD) | _BV(LEDS_GEN);&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_DDR |= _BV(DIG0) | _BV(DIG1) | _BV(DIG2) | _BV(DIG3) | _BV(DIG4) | _BV(DIG5);&#10;&#10; // make data ports to output&#10; LED_DDR = 0xff;&#10; SEVENSEG_DDR = 0xff;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = 0;&#10;&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; LED_PORT = 0;&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void print_sevenseg(uint8_t display, uint16_t value) {&#10; uint8_t d[3];&#10; d[2] = (value % 1000 / 100 );&#10; d[1] = (value % 100 / 10 );&#10; d[0] = (value % 10);&#10;&#10; if(display == 0) {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; } else {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i+3] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10;void pretty_print_all_values(void) {&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Voltage: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(voltage);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mV\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Load: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_out);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_load);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Generator: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_in);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_gen);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;switches (load, dump, gen): &quot;);&#10; uart_putc(48 + loadsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + dumpsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + gensw);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;}&#10;#endif&#10;&#10;void process_command() {&#10; if(strstr(command_in,&quot;A&quot;) != NULL) {&#10; // we have an A and B (from check in work_uart()&#10; // so our message should be complete and consist of:&#10; // A$voltage,$current_in,$current_out,$power_in,$power_out,loadsw,dumpsw,gensw\n&#10;&#10; //A12.5,65464,00000,00000,00000,1,0,1B&#10;&#10; char *token;&#10; uint8_t tokencounter = 0;&#10;&#10; char *start = strrchr(command_in, 'A');&#10;&#10; // remove first (B is ignored by atoi)&#10; start++;&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;from start: &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(start);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; token = strtok(start, &quot;,&quot;);&#10;&#10; while( token ) {&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;token= &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(token);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; switch(tokencounter) {&#10; case 0:&#10; voltage = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 1:&#10; current_in = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 2:&#10; current_out = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 3:&#10; power_gen = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 4:&#10; power_load = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 5:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) loadsw = 1;&#10; else loadsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 6:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) dumpsw = 1;&#10; else dumpsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 7:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) gensw = 1;&#10; else gensw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; }&#10;&#10; tokencounter++;&#10; token = strtok(NULL, &quot;,&quot;);&#10; }&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; pretty_print_all_values();&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;void work_uart(){&#10; unsigned int c = uart_getc();&#10;&#10; if ( !(c &amp; UART_NO_DATA) ) {&#10;&#10; data_in[data_count] = c;&#10;&#10; if (data_in[data_count] == 'B') { // finish reading when newline is received&#10; data_count = 0;&#10;&#10; memcpy(command_in, data_in, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; // Now clear data_in, the UART can reuse it now&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; process_command();&#10; } else {&#10; data_count++;&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;int main(void) {&#10;&#9;ports_init();&#10;&#9;timer_init();&#10; uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT(19200,F_CPU));&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10;&#9;while(1) {&#10;&#10;&#9; work_uart();&#10;&#10; if(syscounter &gt;= 200) {&#10; uart_putc('a'); // send a to receive values&#10;&#10; print_sevenseg(0, power_gen);&#10; print_sevenseg(1, power_load);&#10;&#10; syscounter = 0;&#10; }&#10;&#9;}&#10;&#9;&#10;&#9;return(0);&#10;}&#10;&#10;// system timer&#10;SIGNAL(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) {&#10;&#9;syscounter++;&#10;&#10;&#9;// output to sevensegment and leds&#10;&#9;// make this here to reduce display flicker&#10; digit++;&#10; if(digit &gt;5) digit = 0;&#10; leddigit++;&#10; if(leddigit &gt;3) leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = digitbuffer[digit];&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = _BV(digit+DIG0);&#10;&#10; LED_PORT = leddigitbuffer[leddigit];&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = _BV(leddigit);&#10;}#0;n#volatile uint8_t leddigitbuffer[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };&#10;uint8_t digit = 0;&#10;uint8_t leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10;// values send over uart from powerboard&#10;uint16_t voltage = 0;&#10;int16_t current_in = 0;&#10;int16_t current_out = 0;&#10;uint8_t dumpsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t loadsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t gensw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;&#10;uint16_t power_gen = 0;&#10;uint16_t power_load = 0;&#10;&#10;unsigned char data_count = 0;&#10;unsigned char data_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;char command_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;&#10;const uint8_t digit_translate[10] = {&#10; 63, 6, 91, 79, 102, 109, 125, 7, 127, 111&#10;};&#10;&#10;&#10;static void timer_init(void) {&#10;&#9;// clock is 8MHz&#10;&#9;TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10) ; // CTC Mode for Timer 1 (16Bit) with prescale of 64&#10;&#9;OCR1A = 250; // 500Hz&#10;&#9;TIMSK = _BV(OCIE1A);&#10;&#9;sei();&#9;// enable interrupts&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void ports_init(void) {&#10; // make column / digit driver pins to output&#10; LEDDIG_DDR |= _BV(LEDS_MID1) | _BV(LEDS_MID2) | _BV(LEDS_LOAD) | _BV(LEDS_GEN);&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_DDR |= _BV(DIG0) | _BV(DIG1) | _BV(DIG2) | _BV(DIG3) | _BV(DIG4) | _BV(DIG5);&#10;&#10; // make data ports to output&#10; LED_DDR = 0xff;&#10; SEVENSEG_DDR = 0xff;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = 0;&#10;&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; LED_PORT = 0;&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void print_sevenseg(uint8_t display, uint16_t value) {&#10; uint8_t d[3];&#10; d[2] = (value % 1000 / 100 );&#10; d[1] = (value % 100 / 10 );&#10; d[0] = (value % 10);&#10;&#10; if(display == 0) {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; } else {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i+3] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10;void pretty_print_all_values(void) {&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Voltage: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(voltage);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mV\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Load: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_out);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_load);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Generator: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_in);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_gen);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;switches (load, dump, gen): &quot;);&#10; uart_putc(48 + loadsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + dumpsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + gensw);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;}&#10;#endif&#10;&#10;void process_command() {&#10; if(strstr(command_in,&quot;A&quot;) != NULL) {&#10; // we have an A and B (from check in work_uart()&#10; // so our message should be complete and consist of:&#10; // A$voltage,$current_in,$current_out,$power_in,$power_out,loadsw,dumpsw,gensw\n&#10;&#10; //A12.5,65464,00000,00000,00000,1,0,1B&#10;&#10; char *token;&#10; uint8_t tokencounter = 0;&#10;&#10; char *start = strrchr(command_in, 'A');&#10;&#10; // remove first (B is ignored by atoi)&#10; start++;&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;from start: &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(start);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; token = strtok(start, &quot;,&quot;);&#10;&#10; while( token ) {&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;token= &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(token);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; switch(tokencounter) {&#10; case 0:&#10; voltage = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 1:&#10; current_in = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 2:&#10; current_out = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 3:&#10; power_gen = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 4:&#10; power_load = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 5:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) loadsw = 1;&#10; else loadsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 6:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) dumpsw = 1;&#10; else dumpsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 7:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) gensw = 1;&#10; else gensw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; }&#10;&#10; tokencounter++;&#10; token = strtok(NULL, &quot;,&quot;);&#10; }&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; pretty_print_all_values();&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;void work_uart(){&#10; unsigned int c = uart_getc();&#10;&#10; if ( !(c &amp; UART_NO_DATA) ) {&#10;&#10; data_in[data_count] = c;&#10;&#10; if (data_in[data_count] == 'B') { // finish reading when newline is received&#10; data_count = 0;&#10;&#10; memcpy(command_in, data_in, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; // Now clear data_in, the UART can reuse it now&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; process_command();&#10; } else {&#10; data_count++;&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;int main(void) {&#10;&#9;ports_init();&#10;&#9;timer_init();&#10; uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT(19200,F_CPU));&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10;&#9;while(1) {&#10;&#10;&#9; work_uart();&#10;&#10; if(syscounter &gt;= 200) {&#10; uart_putc('a'); // send a to receive values&#10;&#10; print_sevenseg(0, power_gen);&#10; print_sevenseg(1, power_load);&#10;&#10; syscounter = 0;&#10; }&#10;&#9;}&#10;&#9;&#10;&#9;return(0);&#10;}&#10;&#10;// system timer&#10;SIGNAL(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) {&#10;&#9;syscounter++;&#10;&#10;&#9;// output to sevensegment and leds&#10;&#9;// make this here to reduce display flicker&#10; digit++;&#10; if(digit &gt;5) digit = 0;&#10; leddigit++;&#10; if(leddigit &gt;3) leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = digitbuffer[digit];&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = _BV(digit+DIG0);&#10;&#10; LED_PORT = leddigitbuffer[leddigit];&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = _BV(leddigit);&#10;}#0;n#volatile uint8_t digitbuffer[6] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0 };&#10;volatile uint8_t leddigitbuffer[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };&#10;uint8_t digit = 0;&#10;uint8_t leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10;// values send over uart from powerboard&#10;uint16_t voltage = 0;&#10;int16_t current_in = 0;&#10;int16_t current_out = 0;&#10;uint8_t dumpsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t loadsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t gensw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;&#10;uint16_t power_gen = 0;&#10;uint16_t power_load = 0;&#10;&#10;unsigned char data_count = 0;&#10;unsigned char data_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;char command_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;&#10;const uint8_t digit_translate[10] = {&#10; 63, 6, 91, 79, 102, 109, 125, 7, 127, 111&#10;};&#10;&#10;&#10;static void timer_init(void) {&#10;&#9;// clock is 8MHz&#10;&#9;TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10) ; // CTC Mode for Timer 1 (16Bit) with prescale of 64&#10;&#9;OCR1A = 250; // 500Hz&#10;&#9;TIMSK = _BV(OCIE1A);&#10;&#9;sei();&#9;// enable interrupts&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void ports_init(void) {&#10; // make column / digit driver pins to output&#10; LEDDIG_DDR |= _BV(LEDS_MID1) | _BV(LEDS_MID2) | _BV(LEDS_LOAD) | _BV(LEDS_GEN);&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_DDR |= _BV(DIG0) | _BV(DIG1) | _BV(DIG2) | _BV(DIG3) | _BV(DIG4) | _BV(DIG5);&#10;&#10; // make data ports to output&#10; LED_DDR = 0xff;&#10; SEVENSEG_DDR = 0xff;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = 0;&#10;&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; LED_PORT = 0;&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void print_sevenseg(uint8_t display, uint16_t value) {&#10; uint8_t d[3];&#10; d[2] = (value % 1000 / 100 );&#10; d[1] = (value % 100 / 10 );&#10; d[0] = (value % 10);&#10;&#10; if(display == 0) {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; } else {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i+3] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10;void pretty_print_all_values(void) {&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Voltage: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(voltage);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mV\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Load: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_out);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_load);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Generator: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_in);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_gen);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;switches (load, dump, gen): &quot;);&#10; uart_putc(48 + loadsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + dumpsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + gensw);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;}&#10;#endif&#10;&#10;void process_command() {&#10; if(strstr(command_in,&quot;A&quot;) != NULL) {&#10; // we have an A and B (from check in work_uart()&#10; // so our message should be complete and consist of:&#10; // A$voltage,$current_in,$current_out,$power_in,$power_out,loadsw,dumpsw,gensw\n&#10;&#10; //A12.5,65464,00000,00000,00000,1,0,1B&#10;&#10; char *token;&#10; uint8_t tokencounter = 0;&#10;&#10; char *start = strrchr(command_in, 'A');&#10;&#10; // remove first (B is ignored by atoi)&#10; start++;&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;from start: &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(start);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; token = strtok(start, &quot;,&quot;);&#10;&#10; while( token ) {&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;token= &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(token);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; switch(tokencounter) {&#10; case 0:&#10; voltage = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 1:&#10; current_in = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 2:&#10; current_out = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 3:&#10; power_gen = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 4:&#10; power_load = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 5:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) loadsw = 1;&#10; else loadsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 6:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) dumpsw = 1;&#10; else dumpsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 7:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) gensw = 1;&#10; else gensw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; }&#10;&#10; tokencounter++;&#10; token = strtok(NULL, &quot;,&quot;);&#10; }&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; pretty_print_all_values();&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;void work_uart(){&#10; unsigned int c = uart_getc();&#10;&#10; if ( !(c &amp; UART_NO_DATA) ) {&#10;&#10; data_in[data_count] = c;&#10;&#10; if (data_in[data_count] == 'B') { // finish reading when newline is received&#10; data_count = 0;&#10;&#10; memcpy(command_in, data_in, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; // Now clear data_in, the UART can reuse it now&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; process_command();&#10; } else {&#10; data_count++;&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;int main(void) {&#10;&#9;ports_init();&#10;&#9;timer_init();&#10; uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT(19200,F_CPU));&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10;&#9;while(1) {&#10;&#10;&#9; work_uart();&#10;&#10; if(syscounter &gt;= 200) {&#10; uart_putc('a'); // send a to receive values&#10;&#10; print_sevenseg(0, power_gen);&#10; print_sevenseg(1, power_load);&#10;&#10; syscounter = 0;&#10; }&#10;&#9;}&#10;&#9;&#10;&#9;return(0);&#10;}&#10;&#10;// system timer&#10;SIGNAL(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) {&#10;&#9;syscounter++;&#10;&#10;&#9;// output to sevensegment and leds&#10;&#9;// make this here to reduce display flicker&#10; digit++;&#10; if(digit &gt;5) digit = 0;&#10; leddigit++;&#10; if(leddigit &gt;3) leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = digitbuffer[digit];&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = _BV(digit+DIG0);&#10;&#10; LED_PORT = leddigitbuffer[leddigit];&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = _BV(leddigit);&#10;}#0" expanded="false" />
<element signature="n#{&#10; // make column / digit driver pins to output&#10; LEDDIG_DDR |= _BV(LEDS_MID1) | _BV(LEDS_MID2) | _BV(LEDS_LOAD) | _BV(LEDS_GEN);&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_DDR |= _BV(DIG0) | _BV(DIG1) | _BV(DIG2) | _BV(DIG3) | _BV(DIG4) | _BV(DIG5);&#10;&#10; // make data ports to output&#10; LED_DDR = 0xff;&#10; SEVENSEG_DDR = 0xff;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = 0;&#10;&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; LED_PORT = 0;&#10;}#0;n#static void ports_init(void) {&#10; // make column / digit driver pins to output&#10; LEDDIG_DDR |= _BV(LEDS_MID1) | _BV(LEDS_MID2) | _BV(LEDS_LOAD) | _BV(LEDS_GEN);&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_DDR |= _BV(DIG0) | _BV(DIG1) | _BV(DIG2) | _BV(DIG3) | _BV(DIG4) | _BV(DIG5);&#10;&#10; // make data ports to output&#10; LED_DDR = 0xff;&#10; SEVENSEG_DDR = 0xff;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = 0;&#10;&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; LED_PORT = 0;&#10;}#0;n#const uint8_t digit_translate[10] = {&#10; 63, 6, 91, 79, 102, 109, 125, 7, 127, 111&#10;};&#10;&#10;&#10;static void timer_init(void) {&#10;&#9;// clock is 8MHz&#10;&#9;TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10) ; // CTC Mode for Timer 1 (16Bit) with prescale of 64&#10;&#9;OCR1A = 250; // 500Hz&#10;&#9;TIMSK = _BV(OCIE1A);&#10;&#9;sei();&#9;// enable interrupts&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void ports_init(void) {&#10; // make column / digit driver pins to output&#10; LEDDIG_DDR |= _BV(LEDS_MID1) | _BV(LEDS_MID2) | _BV(LEDS_LOAD) | _BV(LEDS_GEN);&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_DDR |= _BV(DIG0) | _BV(DIG1) | _BV(DIG2) | _BV(DIG3) | _BV(DIG4) | _BV(DIG5);&#10;&#10; // make data ports to output&#10; LED_DDR = 0xff;&#10; SEVENSEG_DDR = 0xff;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = 0;&#10;&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; LED_PORT = 0;&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void print_sevenseg(uint8_t display, uint16_t value) {&#10; uint8_t d[3];&#10; d[2] = (value % 1000 / 100 );&#10; d[1] = (value % 100 / 10 );&#10; d[0] = (value % 10);&#10;&#10; if(display == 0) {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; } else {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i+3] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10;void pretty_print_all_values(void) {&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Voltage: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(voltage);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mV\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Load: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_out);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_load);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Generator: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_in);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_gen);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;switches (load, dump, gen): &quot;);&#10; uart_putc(48 + loadsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + dumpsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + gensw);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;}&#10;#endif&#10;&#10;void process_command() {&#10; if(strstr(command_in,&quot;A&quot;) != NULL) {&#10; // we have an A and B (from check in work_uart()&#10; // so our message should be complete and consist of:&#10; // A$voltage,$current_in,$current_out,$power_in,$power_out,loadsw,dumpsw,gensw\n&#10;&#10; //A12.5,65464,00000,00000,00000,1,0,1B&#10;&#10; char *token;&#10; uint8_t tokencounter = 0;&#10;&#10; char *start = strrchr(command_in, 'A');&#10;&#10; // remove first (B is ignored by atoi)&#10; start++;&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;from start: &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(start);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; token = strtok(start, &quot;,&quot;);&#10;&#10; while( token ) {&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;token= &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(token);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; switch(tokencounter) {&#10; case 0:&#10; voltage = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 1:&#10; current_in = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 2:&#10; current_out = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 3:&#10; power_gen = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 4:&#10; power_load = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 5:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) loadsw = 1;&#10; else loadsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 6:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) dumpsw = 1;&#10; else dumpsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 7:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) gensw = 1;&#10; else gensw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; }&#10;&#10; tokencounter++;&#10; token = strtok(NULL, &quot;,&quot;);&#10; }&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; pretty_print_all_values();&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;void work_uart(){&#10; unsigned int c = uart_getc();&#10;&#10; if ( !(c &amp; UART_NO_DATA) ) {&#10;&#10; data_in[data_count] = c;&#10;&#10; if (data_in[data_count] == 'B') { // finish reading when newline is received&#10; data_count = 0;&#10;&#10; memcpy(command_in, data_in, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; // Now clear data_in, the UART can reuse it now&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; process_command();&#10; } else {&#10; data_count++;&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;int main(void) {&#10;&#9;ports_init();&#10;&#9;timer_init();&#10; uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT(19200,F_CPU));&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10;&#9;while(1) {&#10;&#10;&#9; work_uart();&#10;&#10; if(syscounter &gt;= 200) {&#10; uart_putc('a'); // send a to receive values&#10;&#10; print_sevenseg(0, power_gen);&#10; print_sevenseg(1, power_load);&#10;&#10; syscounter = 0;&#10; }&#10;&#9;}&#10;&#9;&#10;&#9;return(0);&#10;}&#10;&#10;// system timer&#10;SIGNAL(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) {&#10;&#9;syscounter++;&#10;&#10;&#9;// output to sevensegment and leds&#10;&#9;// make this here to reduce display flicker&#10; digit++;&#10; if(digit &gt;5) digit = 0;&#10; leddigit++;&#10; if(leddigit &gt;3) leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = digitbuffer[digit];&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = _BV(digit+DIG0);&#10;&#10; LED_PORT = leddigitbuffer[leddigit];&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = _BV(leddigit);&#10;}#0;n#volatile uint8_t leddigitbuffer[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };&#10;uint8_t digit = 0;&#10;uint8_t leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10;// values send over uart from powerboard&#10;uint16_t voltage = 0;&#10;int16_t current_in = 0;&#10;int16_t current_out = 0;&#10;uint8_t dumpsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t loadsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t gensw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;&#10;uint16_t power_gen = 0;&#10;uint16_t power_load = 0;&#10;&#10;unsigned char data_count = 0;&#10;unsigned char data_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;char command_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;&#10;const uint8_t digit_translate[10] = {&#10; 63, 6, 91, 79, 102, 109, 125, 7, 127, 111&#10;};&#10;&#10;&#10;static void timer_init(void) {&#10;&#9;// clock is 8MHz&#10;&#9;TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10) ; // CTC Mode for Timer 1 (16Bit) with prescale of 64&#10;&#9;OCR1A = 250; // 500Hz&#10;&#9;TIMSK = _BV(OCIE1A);&#10;&#9;sei();&#9;// enable interrupts&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void ports_init(void) {&#10; // make column / digit driver pins to output&#10; LEDDIG_DDR |= _BV(LEDS_MID1) | _BV(LEDS_MID2) | _BV(LEDS_LOAD) | _BV(LEDS_GEN);&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_DDR |= _BV(DIG0) | _BV(DIG1) | _BV(DIG2) | _BV(DIG3) | _BV(DIG4) | _BV(DIG5);&#10;&#10; // make data ports to output&#10; LED_DDR = 0xff;&#10; SEVENSEG_DDR = 0xff;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = 0;&#10;&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; LED_PORT = 0;&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void print_sevenseg(uint8_t display, uint16_t value) {&#10; uint8_t d[3];&#10; d[2] = (value % 1000 / 100 );&#10; d[1] = (value % 100 / 10 );&#10; d[0] = (value % 10);&#10;&#10; if(display == 0) {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; } else {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i+3] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10;void pretty_print_all_values(void) {&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Voltage: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(voltage);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mV\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Load: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_out);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_load);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Generator: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_in);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_gen);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;switches (load, dump, gen): &quot;);&#10; uart_putc(48 + loadsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + dumpsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + gensw);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;}&#10;#endif&#10;&#10;void process_command() {&#10; if(strstr(command_in,&quot;A&quot;) != NULL) {&#10; // we have an A and B (from check in work_uart()&#10; // so our message should be complete and consist of:&#10; // A$voltage,$current_in,$current_out,$power_in,$power_out,loadsw,dumpsw,gensw\n&#10;&#10; //A12.5,65464,00000,00000,00000,1,0,1B&#10;&#10; char *token;&#10; uint8_t tokencounter = 0;&#10;&#10; char *start = strrchr(command_in, 'A');&#10;&#10; // remove first (B is ignored by atoi)&#10; start++;&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;from start: &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(start);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; token = strtok(start, &quot;,&quot;);&#10;&#10; while( token ) {&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;token= &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(token);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; switch(tokencounter) {&#10; case 0:&#10; voltage = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 1:&#10; current_in = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 2:&#10; current_out = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 3:&#10; power_gen = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 4:&#10; power_load = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 5:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) loadsw = 1;&#10; else loadsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 6:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) dumpsw = 1;&#10; else dumpsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 7:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) gensw = 1;&#10; else gensw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; }&#10;&#10; tokencounter++;&#10; token = strtok(NULL, &quot;,&quot;);&#10; }&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; pretty_print_all_values();&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;void work_uart(){&#10; unsigned int c = uart_getc();&#10;&#10; if ( !(c &amp; UART_NO_DATA) ) {&#10;&#10; data_in[data_count] = c;&#10;&#10; if (data_in[data_count] == 'B') { // finish reading when newline is received&#10; data_count = 0;&#10;&#10; memcpy(command_in, data_in, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; // Now clear data_in, the UART can reuse it now&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; process_command();&#10; } else {&#10; data_count++;&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;int main(void) {&#10;&#9;ports_init();&#10;&#9;timer_init();&#10; uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT(19200,F_CPU));&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10;&#9;while(1) {&#10;&#10;&#9; work_uart();&#10;&#10; if(syscounter &gt;= 200) {&#10; uart_putc('a'); // send a to receive values&#10;&#10; print_sevenseg(0, power_gen);&#10; print_sevenseg(1, power_load);&#10;&#10; syscounter = 0;&#10; }&#10;&#9;}&#10;&#9;&#10;&#9;return(0);&#10;}&#10;&#10;// system timer&#10;SIGNAL(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) {&#10;&#9;syscounter++;&#10;&#10;&#9;// output to sevensegment and leds&#10;&#9;// make this here to reduce display flicker&#10; digit++;&#10; if(digit &gt;5) digit = 0;&#10; leddigit++;&#10; if(leddigit &gt;3) leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = digitbuffer[digit];&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = _BV(digit+DIG0);&#10;&#10; LED_PORT = leddigitbuffer[leddigit];&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = _BV(leddigit);&#10;}#0;n#volatile uint8_t digitbuffer[6] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0 };&#10;volatile uint8_t leddigitbuffer[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };&#10;uint8_t digit = 0;&#10;uint8_t leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10;// values send over uart from powerboard&#10;uint16_t voltage = 0;&#10;int16_t current_in = 0;&#10;int16_t current_out = 0;&#10;uint8_t dumpsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t loadsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t gensw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;&#10;uint16_t power_gen = 0;&#10;uint16_t power_load = 0;&#10;&#10;unsigned char data_count = 0;&#10;unsigned char data_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;char command_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;&#10;const uint8_t digit_translate[10] = {&#10; 63, 6, 91, 79, 102, 109, 125, 7, 127, 111&#10;};&#10;&#10;&#10;static void timer_init(void) {&#10;&#9;// clock is 8MHz&#10;&#9;TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10) ; // CTC Mode for Timer 1 (16Bit) with prescale of 64&#10;&#9;OCR1A = 250; // 500Hz&#10;&#9;TIMSK = _BV(OCIE1A);&#10;&#9;sei();&#9;// enable interrupts&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void ports_init(void) {&#10; // make column / digit driver pins to output&#10; LEDDIG_DDR |= _BV(LEDS_MID1) | _BV(LEDS_MID2) | _BV(LEDS_LOAD) | _BV(LEDS_GEN);&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_DDR |= _BV(DIG0) | _BV(DIG1) | _BV(DIG2) | _BV(DIG3) | _BV(DIG4) | _BV(DIG5);&#10;&#10; // make data ports to output&#10; LED_DDR = 0xff;&#10; SEVENSEG_DDR = 0xff;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = 0;&#10;&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; LED_PORT = 0;&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void print_sevenseg(uint8_t display, uint16_t value) {&#10; uint8_t d[3];&#10; d[2] = (value % 1000 / 100 );&#10; d[1] = (value % 100 / 10 );&#10; d[0] = (value % 10);&#10;&#10; if(display == 0) {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; } else {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i+3] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10;void pretty_print_all_values(void) {&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Voltage: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(voltage);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mV\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Load: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_out);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_load);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Generator: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_in);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_gen);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;switches (load, dump, gen): &quot;);&#10; uart_putc(48 + loadsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + dumpsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + gensw);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;}&#10;#endif&#10;&#10;void process_command() {&#10; if(strstr(command_in,&quot;A&quot;) != NULL) {&#10; // we have an A and B (from check in work_uart()&#10; // so our message should be complete and consist of:&#10; // A$voltage,$current_in,$current_out,$power_in,$power_out,loadsw,dumpsw,gensw\n&#10;&#10; //A12.5,65464,00000,00000,00000,1,0,1B&#10;&#10; char *token;&#10; uint8_t tokencounter = 0;&#10;&#10; char *start = strrchr(command_in, 'A');&#10;&#10; // remove first (B is ignored by atoi)&#10; start++;&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;from start: &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(start);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; token = strtok(start, &quot;,&quot;);&#10;&#10; while( token ) {&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;token= &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(token);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; switch(tokencounter) {&#10; case 0:&#10; voltage = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 1:&#10; current_in = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 2:&#10; current_out = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 3:&#10; power_gen = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 4:&#10; power_load = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 5:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) loadsw = 1;&#10; else loadsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 6:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) dumpsw = 1;&#10; else dumpsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 7:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) gensw = 1;&#10; else gensw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; }&#10;&#10; tokencounter++;&#10; token = strtok(NULL, &quot;,&quot;);&#10; }&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; pretty_print_all_values();&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;void work_uart(){&#10; unsigned int c = uart_getc();&#10;&#10; if ( !(c &amp; UART_NO_DATA) ) {&#10;&#10; data_in[data_count] = c;&#10;&#10; if (data_in[data_count] == 'B') { // finish reading when newline is received&#10; data_count = 0;&#10;&#10; memcpy(command_in, data_in, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; // Now clear data_in, the UART can reuse it now&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; process_command();&#10; } else {&#10; data_count++;&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;int main(void) {&#10;&#9;ports_init();&#10;&#9;timer_init();&#10; uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT(19200,F_CPU));&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10;&#9;while(1) {&#10;&#10;&#9; work_uart();&#10;&#10; if(syscounter &gt;= 200) {&#10; uart_putc('a'); // send a to receive values&#10;&#10; print_sevenseg(0, power_gen);&#10; print_sevenseg(1, power_load);&#10;&#10; syscounter = 0;&#10; }&#10;&#9;}&#10;&#9;&#10;&#9;return(0);&#10;}&#10;&#10;// system timer&#10;SIGNAL(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) {&#10;&#9;syscounter++;&#10;&#10;&#9;// output to sevensegment and leds&#10;&#9;// make this here to reduce display flicker&#10; digit++;&#10; if(digit &gt;5) digit = 0;&#10; leddigit++;&#10; if(leddigit &gt;3) leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = digitbuffer[digit];&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = _BV(digit+DIG0);&#10;&#10; LED_PORT = leddigitbuffer[leddigit];&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = _BV(leddigit);&#10;}#0" expanded="false" />
<element signature="n#{&#10; uint8_t d[3];&#10; d[2] = (value % 1000 / 100 );&#10; d[1] = (value % 100 / 10 );&#10; d[0] = (value % 10);&#10;&#10; if(display == 0) {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; } else {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i+3] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}#0;n#static void print_sevenseg(uint8_t display, uint16_t value) {&#10; uint8_t d[3];&#10; d[2] = (value % 1000 / 100 );&#10; d[1] = (value % 100 / 10 );&#10; d[0] = (value % 10);&#10;&#10; if(display == 0) {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; } else {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i+3] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}#0;n#const uint8_t digit_translate[10] = {&#10; 63, 6, 91, 79, 102, 109, 125, 7, 127, 111&#10;};&#10;&#10;&#10;static void timer_init(void) {&#10;&#9;// clock is 8MHz&#10;&#9;TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10) ; // CTC Mode for Timer 1 (16Bit) with prescale of 64&#10;&#9;OCR1A = 250; // 500Hz&#10;&#9;TIMSK = _BV(OCIE1A);&#10;&#9;sei();&#9;// enable interrupts&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void ports_init(void) {&#10; // make column / digit driver pins to output&#10; LEDDIG_DDR |= _BV(LEDS_MID1) | _BV(LEDS_MID2) | _BV(LEDS_LOAD) | _BV(LEDS_GEN);&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_DDR |= _BV(DIG0) | _BV(DIG1) | _BV(DIG2) | _BV(DIG3) | _BV(DIG4) | _BV(DIG5);&#10;&#10; // make data ports to output&#10; LED_DDR = 0xff;&#10; SEVENSEG_DDR = 0xff;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = 0;&#10;&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; LED_PORT = 0;&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void print_sevenseg(uint8_t display, uint16_t value) {&#10; uint8_t d[3];&#10; d[2] = (value % 1000 / 100 );&#10; d[1] = (value % 100 / 10 );&#10; d[0] = (value % 10);&#10;&#10; if(display == 0) {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; } else {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i+3] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10;void pretty_print_all_values(void) {&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Voltage: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(voltage);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mV\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Load: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_out);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_load);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Generator: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_in);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_gen);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;switches (load, dump, gen): &quot;);&#10; uart_putc(48 + loadsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + dumpsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + gensw);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;}&#10;#endif&#10;&#10;void process_command() {&#10; if(strstr(command_in,&quot;A&quot;) != NULL) {&#10; // we have an A and B (from check in work_uart()&#10; // so our message should be complete and consist of:&#10; // A$voltage,$current_in,$current_out,$power_in,$power_out,loadsw,dumpsw,gensw\n&#10;&#10; //A12.5,65464,00000,00000,00000,1,0,1B&#10;&#10; char *token;&#10; uint8_t tokencounter = 0;&#10;&#10; char *start = strrchr(command_in, 'A');&#10;&#10; // remove first (B is ignored by atoi)&#10; start++;&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;from start: &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(start);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; token = strtok(start, &quot;,&quot;);&#10;&#10; while( token ) {&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;token= &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(token);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; switch(tokencounter) {&#10; case 0:&#10; voltage = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 1:&#10; current_in = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 2:&#10; current_out = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 3:&#10; power_gen = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 4:&#10; power_load = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 5:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) loadsw = 1;&#10; else loadsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 6:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) dumpsw = 1;&#10; else dumpsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 7:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) gensw = 1;&#10; else gensw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; }&#10;&#10; tokencounter++;&#10; token = strtok(NULL, &quot;,&quot;);&#10; }&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; pretty_print_all_values();&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;void work_uart(){&#10; unsigned int c = uart_getc();&#10;&#10; if ( !(c &amp; UART_NO_DATA) ) {&#10;&#10; data_in[data_count] = c;&#10;&#10; if (data_in[data_count] == 'B') { // finish reading when newline is received&#10; data_count = 0;&#10;&#10; memcpy(command_in, data_in, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; // Now clear data_in, the UART can reuse it now&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; process_command();&#10; } else {&#10; data_count++;&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;int main(void) {&#10;&#9;ports_init();&#10;&#9;timer_init();&#10; uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT(19200,F_CPU));&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10;&#9;while(1) {&#10;&#10;&#9; work_uart();&#10;&#10; if(syscounter &gt;= 200) {&#10; uart_putc('a'); // send a to receive values&#10;&#10; print_sevenseg(0, power_gen);&#10; print_sevenseg(1, power_load);&#10;&#10; syscounter = 0;&#10; }&#10;&#9;}&#10;&#9;&#10;&#9;return(0);&#10;}&#10;&#10;// system timer&#10;SIGNAL(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) {&#10;&#9;syscounter++;&#10;&#10;&#9;// output to sevensegment and leds&#10;&#9;// make this here to reduce display flicker&#10; digit++;&#10; if(digit &gt;5) digit = 0;&#10; leddigit++;&#10; if(leddigit &gt;3) leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = digitbuffer[digit];&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = _BV(digit+DIG0);&#10;&#10; LED_PORT = leddigitbuffer[leddigit];&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = _BV(leddigit);&#10;}#0;n#volatile uint8_t leddigitbuffer[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };&#10;uint8_t digit = 0;&#10;uint8_t leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10;// values send over uart from powerboard&#10;uint16_t voltage = 0;&#10;int16_t current_in = 0;&#10;int16_t current_out = 0;&#10;uint8_t dumpsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t loadsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t gensw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;&#10;uint16_t power_gen = 0;&#10;uint16_t power_load = 0;&#10;&#10;unsigned char data_count = 0;&#10;unsigned char data_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;char command_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;&#10;const uint8_t digit_translate[10] = {&#10; 63, 6, 91, 79, 102, 109, 125, 7, 127, 111&#10;};&#10;&#10;&#10;static void timer_init(void) {&#10;&#9;// clock is 8MHz&#10;&#9;TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10) ; // CTC Mode for Timer 1 (16Bit) with prescale of 64&#10;&#9;OCR1A = 250; // 500Hz&#10;&#9;TIMSK = _BV(OCIE1A);&#10;&#9;sei();&#9;// enable interrupts&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void ports_init(void) {&#10; // make column / digit driver pins to output&#10; LEDDIG_DDR |= _BV(LEDS_MID1) | _BV(LEDS_MID2) | _BV(LEDS_LOAD) | _BV(LEDS_GEN);&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_DDR |= _BV(DIG0) | _BV(DIG1) | _BV(DIG2) | _BV(DIG3) | _BV(DIG4) | _BV(DIG5);&#10;&#10; // make data ports to output&#10; LED_DDR = 0xff;&#10; SEVENSEG_DDR = 0xff;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = 0;&#10;&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; LED_PORT = 0;&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void print_sevenseg(uint8_t display, uint16_t value) {&#10; uint8_t d[3];&#10; d[2] = (value % 1000 / 100 );&#10; d[1] = (value % 100 / 10 );&#10; d[0] = (value % 10);&#10;&#10; if(display == 0) {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; } else {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i+3] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10;void pretty_print_all_values(void) {&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Voltage: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(voltage);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mV\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Load: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_out);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_load);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Generator: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_in);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_gen);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;switches (load, dump, gen): &quot;);&#10; uart_putc(48 + loadsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + dumpsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + gensw);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;}&#10;#endif&#10;&#10;void process_command() {&#10; if(strstr(command_in,&quot;A&quot;) != NULL) {&#10; // we have an A and B (from check in work_uart()&#10; // so our message should be complete and consist of:&#10; // A$voltage,$current_in,$current_out,$power_in,$power_out,loadsw,dumpsw,gensw\n&#10;&#10; //A12.5,65464,00000,00000,00000,1,0,1B&#10;&#10; char *token;&#10; uint8_t tokencounter = 0;&#10;&#10; char *start = strrchr(command_in, 'A');&#10;&#10; // remove first (B is ignored by atoi)&#10; start++;&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;from start: &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(start);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; token = strtok(start, &quot;,&quot;);&#10;&#10; while( token ) {&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;token= &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(token);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; switch(tokencounter) {&#10; case 0:&#10; voltage = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 1:&#10; current_in = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 2:&#10; current_out = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 3:&#10; power_gen = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 4:&#10; power_load = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 5:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) loadsw = 1;&#10; else loadsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 6:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) dumpsw = 1;&#10; else dumpsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 7:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) gensw = 1;&#10; else gensw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; }&#10;&#10; tokencounter++;&#10; token = strtok(NULL, &quot;,&quot;);&#10; }&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; pretty_print_all_values();&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;void work_uart(){&#10; unsigned int c = uart_getc();&#10;&#10; if ( !(c &amp; UART_NO_DATA) ) {&#10;&#10; data_in[data_count] = c;&#10;&#10; if (data_in[data_count] == 'B') { // finish reading when newline is received&#10; data_count = 0;&#10;&#10; memcpy(command_in, data_in, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; // Now clear data_in, the UART can reuse it now&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; process_command();&#10; } else {&#10; data_count++;&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;int main(void) {&#10;&#9;ports_init();&#10;&#9;timer_init();&#10; uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT(19200,F_CPU));&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10;&#9;while(1) {&#10;&#10;&#9; work_uart();&#10;&#10; if(syscounter &gt;= 200) {&#10; uart_putc('a'); // send a to receive values&#10;&#10; print_sevenseg(0, power_gen);&#10; print_sevenseg(1, power_load);&#10;&#10; syscounter = 0;&#10; }&#10;&#9;}&#10;&#9;&#10;&#9;return(0);&#10;}&#10;&#10;// system timer&#10;SIGNAL(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) {&#10;&#9;syscounter++;&#10;&#10;&#9;// output to sevensegment and leds&#10;&#9;// make this here to reduce display flicker&#10; digit++;&#10; if(digit &gt;5) digit = 0;&#10; leddigit++;&#10; if(leddigit &gt;3) leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = digitbuffer[digit];&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = _BV(digit+DIG0);&#10;&#10; LED_PORT = leddigitbuffer[leddigit];&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = _BV(leddigit);&#10;}#0;n#volatile uint8_t digitbuffer[6] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0 };&#10;volatile uint8_t leddigitbuffer[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };&#10;uint8_t digit = 0;&#10;uint8_t leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10;// values send over uart from powerboard&#10;uint16_t voltage = 0;&#10;int16_t current_in = 0;&#10;int16_t current_out = 0;&#10;uint8_t dumpsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t loadsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t gensw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;&#10;uint16_t power_gen = 0;&#10;uint16_t power_load = 0;&#10;&#10;unsigned char data_count = 0;&#10;unsigned char data_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;char command_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;&#10;const uint8_t digit_translate[10] = {&#10; 63, 6, 91, 79, 102, 109, 125, 7, 127, 111&#10;};&#10;&#10;&#10;static void timer_init(void) {&#10;&#9;// clock is 8MHz&#10;&#9;TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10) ; // CTC Mode for Timer 1 (16Bit) with prescale of 64&#10;&#9;OCR1A = 250; // 500Hz&#10;&#9;TIMSK = _BV(OCIE1A);&#10;&#9;sei();&#9;// enable interrupts&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void ports_init(void) {&#10; // make column / digit driver pins to output&#10; LEDDIG_DDR |= _BV(LEDS_MID1) | _BV(LEDS_MID2) | _BV(LEDS_LOAD) | _BV(LEDS_GEN);&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_DDR |= _BV(DIG0) | _BV(DIG1) | _BV(DIG2) | _BV(DIG3) | _BV(DIG4) | _BV(DIG5);&#10;&#10; // make data ports to output&#10; LED_DDR = 0xff;&#10; SEVENSEG_DDR = 0xff;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = 0;&#10;&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; LED_PORT = 0;&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void print_sevenseg(uint8_t display, uint16_t value) {&#10; uint8_t d[3];&#10; d[2] = (value % 1000 / 100 );&#10; d[1] = (value % 100 / 10 );&#10; d[0] = (value % 10);&#10;&#10; if(display == 0) {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; } else {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i+3] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10;void pretty_print_all_values(void) {&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Voltage: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(voltage);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mV\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Load: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_out);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_load);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Generator: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_in);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_gen);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;switches (load, dump, gen): &quot;);&#10; uart_putc(48 + loadsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + dumpsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + gensw);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;}&#10;#endif&#10;&#10;void process_command() {&#10; if(strstr(command_in,&quot;A&quot;) != NULL) {&#10; // we have an A and B (from check in work_uart()&#10; // so our message should be complete and consist of:&#10; // A$voltage,$current_in,$current_out,$power_in,$power_out,loadsw,dumpsw,gensw\n&#10;&#10; //A12.5,65464,00000,00000,00000,1,0,1B&#10;&#10; char *token;&#10; uint8_t tokencounter = 0;&#10;&#10; char *start = strrchr(command_in, 'A');&#10;&#10; // remove first (B is ignored by atoi)&#10; start++;&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;from start: &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(start);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; token = strtok(start, &quot;,&quot;);&#10;&#10; while( token ) {&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;token= &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(token);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; switch(tokencounter) {&#10; case 0:&#10; voltage = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 1:&#10; current_in = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 2:&#10; current_out = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 3:&#10; power_gen = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 4:&#10; power_load = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 5:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) loadsw = 1;&#10; else loadsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 6:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) dumpsw = 1;&#10; else dumpsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 7:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) gensw = 1;&#10; else gensw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; }&#10;&#10; tokencounter++;&#10; token = strtok(NULL, &quot;,&quot;);&#10; }&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; pretty_print_all_values();&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;void work_uart(){&#10; unsigned int c = uart_getc();&#10;&#10; if ( !(c &amp; UART_NO_DATA) ) {&#10;&#10; data_in[data_count] = c;&#10;&#10; if (data_in[data_count] == 'B') { // finish reading when newline is received&#10; data_count = 0;&#10;&#10; memcpy(command_in, data_in, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; // Now clear data_in, the UART can reuse it now&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; process_command();&#10; } else {&#10; data_count++;&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;int main(void) {&#10;&#9;ports_init();&#10;&#9;timer_init();&#10; uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT(19200,F_CPU));&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10;&#9;while(1) {&#10;&#10;&#9; work_uart();&#10;&#10; if(syscounter &gt;= 200) {&#10; uart_putc('a'); // send a to receive values&#10;&#10; print_sevenseg(0, power_gen);&#10; print_sevenseg(1, power_load);&#10;&#10; syscounter = 0;&#10; }&#10;&#9;}&#10;&#9;&#10;&#9;return(0);&#10;}&#10;&#10;// system timer&#10;SIGNAL(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) {&#10;&#9;syscounter++;&#10;&#10;&#9;// output to sevensegment and leds&#10;&#9;// make this here to reduce display flicker&#10; digit++;&#10; if(digit &gt;5) digit = 0;&#10; leddigit++;&#10; if(leddigit &gt;3) leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = digitbuffer[digit];&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = _BV(digit+DIG0);&#10;&#10; LED_PORT = leddigitbuffer[leddigit];&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = _BV(leddigit);&#10;}#0" expanded="false" />
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<option name="UPDATE_FILTER_BY_SCOPE" value="false" />
<option name="SHOW_FILE_HISTORY_AS_TREE" value="false" />
<option name="FILE_HISTORY_SPLITTER_PROPORTION" value="0.6" />
<MESSAGE value="- added 3rd party uart lib&#10;- added measurements for voltage and current" />
<MESSAGE value="added first draft of overvoltage protection by using dump load" />
<MESSAGE value="optimisations in adc code" />
<MESSAGE value="working, refactured a bit, optimised for size" />
<MESSAGE value="bugfixes, live check on avr&#10;working for now" />
<MESSAGE value="changed resistor values for 7-Seg&#10;removed lm371 due to lack of voltage" />
<MESSAGE value="changed counter (bugfix)&#10;changed baudrate to 19200" />
<MESSAGE value="made a first version with 7-seg number output" />
<MESSAGE value="minor changes, made counters 8bit" />
<MESSAGE value="changed power to 16bit&#10;added output of relais states" />
<MESSAGE value="removed unnecessary uart1 code" />
<MESSAGE value="began working on actual code for parsing values from uart&#10;not working yet!" />
<MESSAGE value="changed currents to unsigned int and checked while getting these values." />
<component name="XDebuggerManager">
<breakpoint-manager />
<component name="antWorkspaceConfiguration">
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<element signature="n#{&#10;&#9;// clock is 8MHz&#10;&#9;TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10) ; // CTC Mode for Timer 1 (16Bit) with prescale of 64&#10;&#9;OCR1A = 250; // 500Hz&#10;&#9;TIMSK = _BV(OCIE1A);&#10;&#9;sei();&#9;// enable interrupts&#10;}#0;n#static void timer_init(void) {&#10;&#9;// clock is 8MHz&#10;&#9;TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10) ; // CTC Mode for Timer 1 (16Bit) with prescale of 64&#10;&#9;OCR1A = 250; // 500Hz&#10;&#9;TIMSK = _BV(OCIE1A);&#10;&#9;sei();&#9;// enable interrupts&#10;}#0;n#const uint8_t digit_translate[10] = {&#10; 63, 6, 91, 79, 102, 109, 125, 7, 127, 111&#10;};&#10;&#10;&#10;static void timer_init(void) {&#10;&#9;// clock is 8MHz&#10;&#9;TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10) ; // CTC Mode for Timer 1 (16Bit) with prescale of 64&#10;&#9;OCR1A = 250; // 500Hz&#10;&#9;TIMSK = _BV(OCIE1A);&#10;&#9;sei();&#9;// enable interrupts&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void ports_init(void) {&#10; // make column / digit driver pins to output&#10; LEDDIG_DDR |= _BV(LEDS_MID1) | _BV(LEDS_MID2) | _BV(LEDS_LOAD) | _BV(LEDS_GEN);&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_DDR |= _BV(DIG0) | _BV(DIG1) | _BV(DIG2) | _BV(DIG3) | _BV(DIG4) | _BV(DIG5);&#10;&#10; // make data ports to output&#10; LED_DDR = 0xff;&#10; SEVENSEG_DDR = 0xff;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = 0;&#10;&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; LED_PORT = 0;&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void print_sevenseg(uint8_t display, uint16_t value) {&#10; uint8_t d[3];&#10; d[2] = (value % 1000 / 100 );&#10; d[1] = (value % 100 / 10 );&#10; d[0] = (value % 10);&#10;&#10; if(display == 0) {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; } else {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i+3] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10;void pretty_print_all_values(void) {&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Voltage: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(voltage);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mV\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Load: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_out);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_load);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Generator: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_in);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_gen);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;switches (load, dump, gen): &quot;);&#10; uart_putc(48 + loadsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + dumpsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + gensw);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;}&#10;#endif&#10;&#10;void process_command() {&#10; if(strstr(command_in,&quot;A&quot;) != NULL) {&#10; // we have an A and B (from check in work_uart()&#10; // so our message should be complete and consist of:&#10; // A$voltage,$current_in,$current_out,$power_in,$power_out,loadsw,dumpsw,gensw\n&#10;&#10; //A12.5,65464,00000,00000,00000,1,0,1B&#10;&#10; char *token;&#10; uint8_t tokencounter = 0;&#10;&#10; char *start = strrchr(command_in, 'A');&#10;&#10; // remove first (B is ignored by atoi)&#10; start++;&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;from start: &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(start);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; token = strtok(start, &quot;,&quot;);&#10;&#10; while( token ) {&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;token= &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(token);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; switch(tokencounter) {&#10; case 0:&#10; voltage = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 1:&#10; current_in = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 2:&#10; current_out = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 3:&#10; power_gen = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 4:&#10; power_load = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 5:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) loadsw = 1;&#10; else loadsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 6:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) dumpsw = 1;&#10; else dumpsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 7:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) gensw = 1;&#10; else gensw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; }&#10;&#10; tokencounter++;&#10; token = strtok(NULL, &quot;,&quot;);&#10; }&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; pretty_print_all_values();&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;void work_uart(){&#10; unsigned int c = uart_getc();&#10;&#10; if ( !(c &amp; UART_NO_DATA) ) {&#10;&#10; data_in[data_count] = c;&#10;&#10; if (data_in[data_count] == 'B') { // finish reading when newline is received&#10; data_count = 0;&#10;&#10; memcpy(command_in, data_in, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; // Now clear data_in, the UART can reuse it now&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; process_command();&#10; } else {&#10; data_count++;&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;int main(void) {&#10;&#9;ports_init();&#10;&#9;timer_init();&#10; uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT(19200,F_CPU));&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10;&#9;while(1) {&#10;&#10;&#9; work_uart();&#10;&#10; if(syscounter &gt;= 200) {&#10; uart_putc('a'); // send a to receive values&#10;&#10; print_sevenseg(0, power_gen);&#10; print_sevenseg(1, power_load);&#10;&#10; syscounter = 0;&#10; }&#10;&#9;}&#10;&#9;&#10;&#9;return(0);&#10;}&#10;&#10;// system timer&#10;SIGNAL(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) {&#10;&#9;syscounter++;&#10;&#10;&#9;// output to sevensegment and leds&#10;&#9;// make this here to reduce display flicker&#10; digit++;&#10; if(digit &gt;5) digit = 0;&#10; leddigit++;&#10; if(leddigit &gt;3) leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = digitbuffer[digit];&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = _BV(digit+DIG0);&#10;&#10; LED_PORT = leddigitbuffer[leddigit];&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = _BV(leddigit);&#10;}#0;n#volatile uint8_t leddigitbuffer[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };&#10;uint8_t digit = 0;&#10;uint8_t leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10;// values send over uart from powerboard&#10;uint16_t voltage = 0;&#10;int16_t current_in = 0;&#10;int16_t current_out = 0;&#10;uint8_t dumpsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t loadsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t gensw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;&#10;uint16_t power_gen = 0;&#10;uint16_t power_load = 0;&#10;&#10;unsigned char data_count = 0;&#10;unsigned char data_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;char command_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;&#10;const uint8_t digit_translate[10] = {&#10; 63, 6, 91, 79, 102, 109, 125, 7, 127, 111&#10;};&#10;&#10;&#10;static void timer_init(void) {&#10;&#9;// clock is 8MHz&#10;&#9;TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10) ; // CTC Mode for Timer 1 (16Bit) with prescale of 64&#10;&#9;OCR1A = 250; // 500Hz&#10;&#9;TIMSK = _BV(OCIE1A);&#10;&#9;sei();&#9;// enable interrupts&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void ports_init(void) {&#10; // make column / digit driver pins to output&#10; LEDDIG_DDR |= _BV(LEDS_MID1) | _BV(LEDS_MID2) | _BV(LEDS_LOAD) | _BV(LEDS_GEN);&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_DDR |= _BV(DIG0) | _BV(DIG1) | _BV(DIG2) | _BV(DIG3) | _BV(DIG4) | _BV(DIG5);&#10;&#10; // make data ports to output&#10; LED_DDR = 0xff;&#10; SEVENSEG_DDR = 0xff;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = 0;&#10;&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; LED_PORT = 0;&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void print_sevenseg(uint8_t display, uint16_t value) {&#10; uint8_t d[3];&#10; d[2] = (value % 1000 / 100 );&#10; d[1] = (value % 100 / 10 );&#10; d[0] = (value % 10);&#10;&#10; if(display == 0) {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; } else {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i+3] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10;void pretty_print_all_values(void) {&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Voltage: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(voltage);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mV\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Load: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_out);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_load);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Generator: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_in);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_gen);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;switches (load, dump, gen): &quot;);&#10; uart_putc(48 + loadsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + dumpsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + gensw);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;}&#10;#endif&#10;&#10;void process_command() {&#10; if(strstr(command_in,&quot;A&quot;) != NULL) {&#10; // we have an A and B (from check in work_uart()&#10; // so our message should be complete and consist of:&#10; // A$voltage,$current_in,$current_out,$power_in,$power_out,loadsw,dumpsw,gensw\n&#10;&#10; //A12.5,65464,00000,00000,00000,1,0,1B&#10;&#10; char *token;&#10; uint8_t tokencounter = 0;&#10;&#10; char *start = strrchr(command_in, 'A');&#10;&#10; // remove first (B is ignored by atoi)&#10; start++;&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;from start: &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(start);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; token = strtok(start, &quot;,&quot;);&#10;&#10; while( token ) {&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;token= &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(token);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; switch(tokencounter) {&#10; case 0:&#10; voltage = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 1:&#10; current_in = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 2:&#10; current_out = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 3:&#10; power_gen = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 4:&#10; power_load = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 5:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) loadsw = 1;&#10; else loadsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 6:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) dumpsw = 1;&#10; else dumpsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 7:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) gensw = 1;&#10; else gensw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; }&#10;&#10; tokencounter++;&#10; token = strtok(NULL, &quot;,&quot;);&#10; }&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; pretty_print_all_values();&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;void work_uart(){&#10; unsigned int c = uart_getc();&#10;&#10; if ( !(c &amp; UART_NO_DATA) ) {&#10;&#10; data_in[data_count] = c;&#10;&#10; if (data_in[data_count] == 'B') { // finish reading when newline is received&#10; data_count = 0;&#10;&#10; memcpy(command_in, data_in, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; // Now clear data_in, the UART can reuse it now&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; process_command();&#10; } else {&#10; data_count++;&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;int main(void) {&#10;&#9;ports_init();&#10;&#9;timer_init();&#10; uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT(19200,F_CPU));&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10;&#9;while(1) {&#10;&#10;&#9; work_uart();&#10;&#10; if(syscounter &gt;= 200) {&#10; uart_putc('a'); // send a to receive values&#10;&#10; print_sevenseg(0, power_gen);&#10; print_sevenseg(1, power_load);&#10;&#10; syscounter = 0;&#10; }&#10;&#9;}&#10;&#9;&#10;&#9;return(0);&#10;}&#10;&#10;// system timer&#10;SIGNAL(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) {&#10;&#9;syscounter++;&#10;&#10;&#9;// output to sevensegment and leds&#10;&#9;// make this here to reduce display flicker&#10; digit++;&#10; if(digit &gt;5) digit = 0;&#10; leddigit++;&#10; if(leddigit &gt;3) leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = digitbuffer[digit];&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = _BV(digit+DIG0);&#10;&#10; LED_PORT = leddigitbuffer[leddigit];&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = _BV(leddigit);&#10;}#0;n#volatile uint8_t digitbuffer[6] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0 };&#10;volatile uint8_t leddigitbuffer[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };&#10;uint8_t digit = 0;&#10;uint8_t leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10;// values send over uart from powerboard&#10;uint16_t voltage = 0;&#10;int16_t current_in = 0;&#10;int16_t current_out = 0;&#10;uint8_t dumpsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t loadsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t gensw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;&#10;uint16_t power_gen = 0;&#10;uint16_t power_load = 0;&#10;&#10;unsigned char data_count = 0;&#10;unsigned char data_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;char command_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;&#10;const uint8_t digit_translate[10] = {&#10; 63, 6, 91, 79, 102, 109, 125, 7, 127, 111&#10;};&#10;&#10;&#10;static void timer_init(void) {&#10;&#9;// clock is 8MHz&#10;&#9;TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10) ; // CTC Mode for Timer 1 (16Bit) with prescale of 64&#10;&#9;OCR1A = 250; // 500Hz&#10;&#9;TIMSK = _BV(OCIE1A);&#10;&#9;sei();&#9;// enable interrupts&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void ports_init(void) {&#10; // make column / digit driver pins to output&#10; LEDDIG_DDR |= _BV(LEDS_MID1) | _BV(LEDS_MID2) | _BV(LEDS_LOAD) | _BV(LEDS_GEN);&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_DDR |= _BV(DIG0) | _BV(DIG1) | _BV(DIG2) | _BV(DIG3) | _BV(DIG4) | _BV(DIG5);&#10;&#10; // make data ports to output&#10; LED_DDR = 0xff;&#10; SEVENSEG_DDR = 0xff;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = 0;&#10;&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; LED_PORT = 0;&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void print_sevenseg(uint8_t display, uint16_t value) {&#10; uint8_t d[3];&#10; d[2] = (value % 1000 / 100 );&#10; d[1] = (value % 100 / 10 );&#10; d[0] = (value % 10);&#10;&#10; if(display == 0) {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; } else {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i+3] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10;void pretty_print_all_values(void) {&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Voltage: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(voltage);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mV\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Load: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_out);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_load);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Generator: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_in);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_gen);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;switches (load, dump, gen): &quot;);&#10; uart_putc(48 + loadsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + dumpsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + gensw);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;}&#10;#endif&#10;&#10;void process_command() {&#10; if(strstr(command_in,&quot;A&quot;) != NULL) {&#10; // we have an A and B (from check in work_uart()&#10; // so our message should be complete and consist of:&#10; // A$voltage,$current_in,$current_out,$power_in,$power_out,loadsw,dumpsw,gensw\n&#10;&#10; //A12.5,65464,00000,00000,00000,1,0,1B&#10;&#10; char *token;&#10; uint8_t tokencounter = 0;&#10;&#10; char *start = strrchr(command_in, 'A');&#10;&#10; // remove first (B is ignored by atoi)&#10; start++;&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;from start: &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(start);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; token = strtok(start, &quot;,&quot;);&#10;&#10; while( token ) {&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;token= &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(token);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; switch(tokencounter) {&#10; case 0:&#10; voltage = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 1:&#10; current_in = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 2:&#10; current_out = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 3:&#10; power_gen = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 4:&#10; power_load = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 5:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) loadsw = 1;&#10; else loadsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 6:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) dumpsw = 1;&#10; else dumpsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 7:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) gensw = 1;&#10; else gensw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; }&#10;&#10; tokencounter++;&#10; token = strtok(NULL, &quot;,&quot;);&#10; }&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; pretty_print_all_values();&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;void work_uart(){&#10; unsigned int c = uart_getc();&#10;&#10; if ( !(c &amp; UART_NO_DATA) ) {&#10;&#10; data_in[data_count] = c;&#10;&#10; if (data_in[data_count] == 'B') { // finish reading when newline is received&#10; data_count = 0;&#10;&#10; memcpy(command_in, data_in, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; // Now clear data_in, the UART can reuse it now&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; process_command();&#10; } else {&#10; data_count++;&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;int main(void) {&#10;&#9;ports_init();&#10;&#9;timer_init();&#10; uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT(19200,F_CPU));&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10;&#9;while(1) {&#10;&#10;&#9; work_uart();&#10;&#10; if(syscounter &gt;= 200) {&#10; uart_putc('a'); // send a to receive values&#10;&#10; print_sevenseg(0, power_gen);&#10; print_sevenseg(1, power_load);&#10;&#10; syscounter = 0;&#10; }&#10;&#9;}&#10;&#9;&#10;&#9;return(0);&#10;}&#10;&#10;// system timer&#10;SIGNAL(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) {&#10;&#9;syscounter++;&#10;&#10;&#9;// output to sevensegment and leds&#10;&#9;// make this here to reduce display flicker&#10; digit++;&#10; if(digit &gt;5) digit = 0;&#10; leddigit++;&#10; if(leddigit &gt;3) leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = digitbuffer[digit];&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = _BV(digit+DIG0);&#10;&#10; LED_PORT = leddigitbuffer[leddigit];&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = _BV(leddigit);&#10;}#0" expanded="false" />
<element signature="n#{&#10; // make column / digit driver pins to output&#10; LEDDIG_DDR |= _BV(LEDS_MID1) | _BV(LEDS_MID2) | _BV(LEDS_LOAD) | _BV(LEDS_GEN);&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_DDR |= _BV(DIG0) | _BV(DIG1) | _BV(DIG2) | _BV(DIG3) | _BV(DIG4) | _BV(DIG5);&#10;&#10; // make data ports to output&#10; LED_DDR = 0xff;&#10; SEVENSEG_DDR = 0xff;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = 0;&#10;&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; LED_PORT = 0;&#10;}#0;n#static void ports_init(void) {&#10; // make column / digit driver pins to output&#10; LEDDIG_DDR |= _BV(LEDS_MID1) | _BV(LEDS_MID2) | _BV(LEDS_LOAD) | _BV(LEDS_GEN);&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_DDR |= _BV(DIG0) | _BV(DIG1) | _BV(DIG2) | _BV(DIG3) | _BV(DIG4) | _BV(DIG5);&#10;&#10; // make data ports to output&#10; LED_DDR = 0xff;&#10; SEVENSEG_DDR = 0xff;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = 0;&#10;&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; LED_PORT = 0;&#10;}#0;n#const uint8_t digit_translate[10] = {&#10; 63, 6, 91, 79, 102, 109, 125, 7, 127, 111&#10;};&#10;&#10;&#10;static void timer_init(void) {&#10;&#9;// clock is 8MHz&#10;&#9;TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10) ; // CTC Mode for Timer 1 (16Bit) with prescale of 64&#10;&#9;OCR1A = 250; // 500Hz&#10;&#9;TIMSK = _BV(OCIE1A);&#10;&#9;sei();&#9;// enable interrupts&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void ports_init(void) {&#10; // make column / digit driver pins to output&#10; LEDDIG_DDR |= _BV(LEDS_MID1) | _BV(LEDS_MID2) | _BV(LEDS_LOAD) | _BV(LEDS_GEN);&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_DDR |= _BV(DIG0) | _BV(DIG1) | _BV(DIG2) | _BV(DIG3) | _BV(DIG4) | _BV(DIG5);&#10;&#10; // make data ports to output&#10; LED_DDR = 0xff;&#10; SEVENSEG_DDR = 0xff;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = 0;&#10;&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; LED_PORT = 0;&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void print_sevenseg(uint8_t display, uint16_t value) {&#10; uint8_t d[3];&#10; d[2] = (value % 1000 / 100 );&#10; d[1] = (value % 100 / 10 );&#10; d[0] = (value % 10);&#10;&#10; if(display == 0) {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; } else {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i+3] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10;void pretty_print_all_values(void) {&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Voltage: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(voltage);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mV\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Load: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_out);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_load);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Generator: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_in);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_gen);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;switches (load, dump, gen): &quot;);&#10; uart_putc(48 + loadsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + dumpsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + gensw);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;}&#10;#endif&#10;&#10;void process_command() {&#10; if(strstr(command_in,&quot;A&quot;) != NULL) {&#10; // we have an A and B (from check in work_uart()&#10; // so our message should be complete and consist of:&#10; // A$voltage,$current_in,$current_out,$power_in,$power_out,loadsw,dumpsw,gensw\n&#10;&#10; //A12.5,65464,00000,00000,00000,1,0,1B&#10;&#10; char *token;&#10; uint8_t tokencounter = 0;&#10;&#10; char *start = strrchr(command_in, 'A');&#10;&#10; // remove first (B is ignored by atoi)&#10; start++;&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;from start: &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(start);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; token = strtok(start, &quot;,&quot;);&#10;&#10; while( token ) {&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;token= &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(token);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; switch(tokencounter) {&#10; case 0:&#10; voltage = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 1:&#10; current_in = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 2:&#10; current_out = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 3:&#10; power_gen = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 4:&#10; power_load = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 5:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) loadsw = 1;&#10; else loadsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 6:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) dumpsw = 1;&#10; else dumpsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 7:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) gensw = 1;&#10; else gensw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; }&#10;&#10; tokencounter++;&#10; token = strtok(NULL, &quot;,&quot;);&#10; }&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; pretty_print_all_values();&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;void work_uart(){&#10; unsigned int c = uart_getc();&#10;&#10; if ( !(c &amp; UART_NO_DATA) ) {&#10;&#10; data_in[data_count] = c;&#10;&#10; if (data_in[data_count] == 'B') { // finish reading when newline is received&#10; data_count = 0;&#10;&#10; memcpy(command_in, data_in, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; // Now clear data_in, the UART can reuse it now&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; process_command();&#10; } else {&#10; data_count++;&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;int main(void) {&#10;&#9;ports_init();&#10;&#9;timer_init();&#10; uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT(19200,F_CPU));&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10;&#9;while(1) {&#10;&#10;&#9; work_uart();&#10;&#10; if(syscounter &gt;= 200) {&#10; uart_putc('a'); // send a to receive values&#10;&#10; print_sevenseg(0, power_gen);&#10; print_sevenseg(1, power_load);&#10;&#10; syscounter = 0;&#10; }&#10;&#9;}&#10;&#9;&#10;&#9;return(0);&#10;}&#10;&#10;// system timer&#10;SIGNAL(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) {&#10;&#9;syscounter++;&#10;&#10;&#9;// output to sevensegment and leds&#10;&#9;// make this here to reduce display flicker&#10; digit++;&#10; if(digit &gt;5) digit = 0;&#10; leddigit++;&#10; if(leddigit &gt;3) leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = digitbuffer[digit];&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = _BV(digit+DIG0);&#10;&#10; LED_PORT = leddigitbuffer[leddigit];&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = _BV(leddigit);&#10;}#0;n#volatile uint8_t leddigitbuffer[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };&#10;uint8_t digit = 0;&#10;uint8_t leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10;// values send over uart from powerboard&#10;uint16_t voltage = 0;&#10;int16_t current_in = 0;&#10;int16_t current_out = 0;&#10;uint8_t dumpsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t loadsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t gensw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;&#10;uint16_t power_gen = 0;&#10;uint16_t power_load = 0;&#10;&#10;unsigned char data_count = 0;&#10;unsigned char data_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;char command_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;&#10;const uint8_t digit_translate[10] = {&#10; 63, 6, 91, 79, 102, 109, 125, 7, 127, 111&#10;};&#10;&#10;&#10;static void timer_init(void) {&#10;&#9;// clock is 8MHz&#10;&#9;TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10) ; // CTC Mode for Timer 1 (16Bit) with prescale of 64&#10;&#9;OCR1A = 250; // 500Hz&#10;&#9;TIMSK = _BV(OCIE1A);&#10;&#9;sei();&#9;// enable interrupts&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void ports_init(void) {&#10; // make column / digit driver pins to output&#10; LEDDIG_DDR |= _BV(LEDS_MID1) | _BV(LEDS_MID2) | _BV(LEDS_LOAD) | _BV(LEDS_GEN);&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_DDR |= _BV(DIG0) | _BV(DIG1) | _BV(DIG2) | _BV(DIG3) | _BV(DIG4) | _BV(DIG5);&#10;&#10; // make data ports to output&#10; LED_DDR = 0xff;&#10; SEVENSEG_DDR = 0xff;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = 0;&#10;&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; LED_PORT = 0;&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void print_sevenseg(uint8_t display, uint16_t value) {&#10; uint8_t d[3];&#10; d[2] = (value % 1000 / 100 );&#10; d[1] = (value % 100 / 10 );&#10; d[0] = (value % 10);&#10;&#10; if(display == 0) {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; } else {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i+3] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10;void pretty_print_all_values(void) {&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Voltage: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(voltage);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mV\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Load: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_out);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_load);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Generator: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_in);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_gen);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;switches (load, dump, gen): &quot;);&#10; uart_putc(48 + loadsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + dumpsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + gensw);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;}&#10;#endif&#10;&#10;void process_command() {&#10; if(strstr(command_in,&quot;A&quot;) != NULL) {&#10; // we have an A and B (from check in work_uart()&#10; // so our message should be complete and consist of:&#10; // A$voltage,$current_in,$current_out,$power_in,$power_out,loadsw,dumpsw,gensw\n&#10;&#10; //A12.5,65464,00000,00000,00000,1,0,1B&#10;&#10; char *token;&#10; uint8_t tokencounter = 0;&#10;&#10; char *start = strrchr(command_in, 'A');&#10;&#10; // remove first (B is ignored by atoi)&#10; start++;&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;from start: &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(start);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; token = strtok(start, &quot;,&quot;);&#10;&#10; while( token ) {&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;token= &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(token);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; switch(tokencounter) {&#10; case 0:&#10; voltage = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 1:&#10; current_in = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 2:&#10; current_out = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 3:&#10; power_gen = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 4:&#10; power_load = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 5:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) loadsw = 1;&#10; else loadsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 6:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) dumpsw = 1;&#10; else dumpsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 7:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) gensw = 1;&#10; else gensw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; }&#10;&#10; tokencounter++;&#10; token = strtok(NULL, &quot;,&quot;);&#10; }&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; pretty_print_all_values();&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;void work_uart(){&#10; unsigned int c = uart_getc();&#10;&#10; if ( !(c &amp; UART_NO_DATA) ) {&#10;&#10; data_in[data_count] = c;&#10;&#10; if (data_in[data_count] == 'B') { // finish reading when newline is received&#10; data_count = 0;&#10;&#10; memcpy(command_in, data_in, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; // Now clear data_in, the UART can reuse it now&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; process_command();&#10; } else {&#10; data_count++;&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;int main(void) {&#10;&#9;ports_init();&#10;&#9;timer_init();&#10; uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT(19200,F_CPU));&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10;&#9;while(1) {&#10;&#10;&#9; work_uart();&#10;&#10; if(syscounter &gt;= 200) {&#10; uart_putc('a'); // send a to receive values&#10;&#10; print_sevenseg(0, power_gen);&#10; print_sevenseg(1, power_load);&#10;&#10; syscounter = 0;&#10; }&#10;&#9;}&#10;&#9;&#10;&#9;return(0);&#10;}&#10;&#10;// system timer&#10;SIGNAL(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) {&#10;&#9;syscounter++;&#10;&#10;&#9;// output to sevensegment and leds&#10;&#9;// make this here to reduce display flicker&#10; digit++;&#10; if(digit &gt;5) digit = 0;&#10; leddigit++;&#10; if(leddigit &gt;3) leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = digitbuffer[digit];&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = _BV(digit+DIG0);&#10;&#10; LED_PORT = leddigitbuffer[leddigit];&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = _BV(leddigit);&#10;}#0;n#volatile uint8_t digitbuffer[6] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0 };&#10;volatile uint8_t leddigitbuffer[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };&#10;uint8_t digit = 0;&#10;uint8_t leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10;// values send over uart from powerboard&#10;uint16_t voltage = 0;&#10;int16_t current_in = 0;&#10;int16_t current_out = 0;&#10;uint8_t dumpsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t loadsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t gensw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;&#10;uint16_t power_gen = 0;&#10;uint16_t power_load = 0;&#10;&#10;unsigned char data_count = 0;&#10;unsigned char data_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;char command_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;&#10;const uint8_t digit_translate[10] = {&#10; 63, 6, 91, 79, 102, 109, 125, 7, 127, 111&#10;};&#10;&#10;&#10;static void timer_init(void) {&#10;&#9;// clock is 8MHz&#10;&#9;TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10) ; // CTC Mode for Timer 1 (16Bit) with prescale of 64&#10;&#9;OCR1A = 250; // 500Hz&#10;&#9;TIMSK = _BV(OCIE1A);&#10;&#9;sei();&#9;// enable interrupts&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void ports_init(void) {&#10; // make column / digit driver pins to output&#10; LEDDIG_DDR |= _BV(LEDS_MID1) | _BV(LEDS_MID2) | _BV(LEDS_LOAD) | _BV(LEDS_GEN);&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_DDR |= _BV(DIG0) | _BV(DIG1) | _BV(DIG2) | _BV(DIG3) | _BV(DIG4) | _BV(DIG5);&#10;&#10; // make data ports to output&#10; LED_DDR = 0xff;&#10; SEVENSEG_DDR = 0xff;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = 0;&#10;&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; LED_PORT = 0;&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void print_sevenseg(uint8_t display, uint16_t value) {&#10; uint8_t d[3];&#10; d[2] = (value % 1000 / 100 );&#10; d[1] = (value % 100 / 10 );&#10; d[0] = (value % 10);&#10;&#10; if(display == 0) {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; } else {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i+3] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10;void pretty_print_all_values(void) {&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Voltage: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(voltage);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mV\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Load: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_out);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_load);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Generator: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_in);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_gen);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;switches (load, dump, gen): &quot;);&#10; uart_putc(48 + loadsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + dumpsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + gensw);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;}&#10;#endif&#10;&#10;void process_command() {&#10; if(strstr(command_in,&quot;A&quot;) != NULL) {&#10; // we have an A and B (from check in work_uart()&#10; // so our message should be complete and consist of:&#10; // A$voltage,$current_in,$current_out,$power_in,$power_out,loadsw,dumpsw,gensw\n&#10;&#10; //A12.5,65464,00000,00000,00000,1,0,1B&#10;&#10; char *token;&#10; uint8_t tokencounter = 0;&#10;&#10; char *start = strrchr(command_in, 'A');&#10;&#10; // remove first (B is ignored by atoi)&#10; start++;&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;from start: &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(start);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; token = strtok(start, &quot;,&quot;);&#10;&#10; while( token ) {&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;token= &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(token);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; switch(tokencounter) {&#10; case 0:&#10; voltage = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 1:&#10; current_in = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 2:&#10; current_out = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 3:&#10; power_gen = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 4:&#10; power_load = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 5:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) loadsw = 1;&#10; else loadsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 6:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) dumpsw = 1;&#10; else dumpsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 7:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) gensw = 1;&#10; else gensw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; }&#10;&#10; tokencounter++;&#10; token = strtok(NULL, &quot;,&quot;);&#10; }&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; pretty_print_all_values();&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;void work_uart(){&#10; unsigned int c = uart_getc();&#10;&#10; if ( !(c &amp; UART_NO_DATA) ) {&#10;&#10; data_in[data_count] = c;&#10;&#10; if (data_in[data_count] == 'B') { // finish reading when newline is received&#10; data_count = 0;&#10;&#10; memcpy(command_in, data_in, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; // Now clear data_in, the UART can reuse it now&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; process_command();&#10; } else {&#10; data_count++;&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;int main(void) {&#10;&#9;ports_init();&#10;&#9;timer_init();&#10; uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT(19200,F_CPU));&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10;&#9;while(1) {&#10;&#10;&#9; work_uart();&#10;&#10; if(syscounter &gt;= 200) {&#10; uart_putc('a'); // send a to receive values&#10;&#10; print_sevenseg(0, power_gen);&#10; print_sevenseg(1, power_load);&#10;&#10; syscounter = 0;&#10; }&#10;&#9;}&#10;&#9;&#10;&#9;return(0);&#10;}&#10;&#10;// system timer&#10;SIGNAL(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) {&#10;&#9;syscounter++;&#10;&#10;&#9;// output to sevensegment and leds&#10;&#9;// make this here to reduce display flicker&#10; digit++;&#10; if(digit &gt;5) digit = 0;&#10; leddigit++;&#10; if(leddigit &gt;3) leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = digitbuffer[digit];&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = _BV(digit+DIG0);&#10;&#10; LED_PORT = leddigitbuffer[leddigit];&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = _BV(leddigit);&#10;}#0" expanded="false" />
<element signature="n#{&#10; uint8_t d[3];&#10; d[2] = (value % 1000 / 100 );&#10; d[1] = (value % 100 / 10 );&#10; d[0] = (value % 10);&#10;&#10; if(display == 0) {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; } else {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i+3] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}#0;n#static void print_sevenseg(uint8_t display, uint16_t value) {&#10; uint8_t d[3];&#10; d[2] = (value % 1000 / 100 );&#10; d[1] = (value % 100 / 10 );&#10; d[0] = (value % 10);&#10;&#10; if(display == 0) {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; } else {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i+3] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}#0;n#const uint8_t digit_translate[10] = {&#10; 63, 6, 91, 79, 102, 109, 125, 7, 127, 111&#10;};&#10;&#10;&#10;static void timer_init(void) {&#10;&#9;// clock is 8MHz&#10;&#9;TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10) ; // CTC Mode for Timer 1 (16Bit) with prescale of 64&#10;&#9;OCR1A = 250; // 500Hz&#10;&#9;TIMSK = _BV(OCIE1A);&#10;&#9;sei();&#9;// enable interrupts&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void ports_init(void) {&#10; // make column / digit driver pins to output&#10; LEDDIG_DDR |= _BV(LEDS_MID1) | _BV(LEDS_MID2) | _BV(LEDS_LOAD) | _BV(LEDS_GEN);&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_DDR |= _BV(DIG0) | _BV(DIG1) | _BV(DIG2) | _BV(DIG3) | _BV(DIG4) | _BV(DIG5);&#10;&#10; // make data ports to output&#10; LED_DDR = 0xff;&#10; SEVENSEG_DDR = 0xff;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = 0;&#10;&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; LED_PORT = 0;&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void print_sevenseg(uint8_t display, uint16_t value) {&#10; uint8_t d[3];&#10; d[2] = (value % 1000 / 100 );&#10; d[1] = (value % 100 / 10 );&#10; d[0] = (value % 10);&#10;&#10; if(display == 0) {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; } else {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i+3] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10;void pretty_print_all_values(void) {&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Voltage: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(voltage);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mV\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Load: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_out);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_load);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Generator: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_in);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_gen);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;switches (load, dump, gen): &quot;);&#10; uart_putc(48 + loadsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + dumpsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + gensw);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;}&#10;#endif&#10;&#10;void process_command() {&#10; if(strstr(command_in,&quot;A&quot;) != NULL) {&#10; // we have an A and B (from check in work_uart()&#10; // so our message should be complete and consist of:&#10; // A$voltage,$current_in,$current_out,$power_in,$power_out,loadsw,dumpsw,gensw\n&#10;&#10; //A12.5,65464,00000,00000,00000,1,0,1B&#10;&#10; char *token;&#10; uint8_t tokencounter = 0;&#10;&#10; char *start = strrchr(command_in, 'A');&#10;&#10; // remove first (B is ignored by atoi)&#10; start++;&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;from start: &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(start);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; token = strtok(start, &quot;,&quot;);&#10;&#10; while( token ) {&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;token= &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(token);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; switch(tokencounter) {&#10; case 0:&#10; voltage = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 1:&#10; current_in = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 2:&#10; current_out = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 3:&#10; power_gen = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 4:&#10; power_load = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 5:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) loadsw = 1;&#10; else loadsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 6:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) dumpsw = 1;&#10; else dumpsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 7:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) gensw = 1;&#10; else gensw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; }&#10;&#10; tokencounter++;&#10; token = strtok(NULL, &quot;,&quot;);&#10; }&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; pretty_print_all_values();&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;void work_uart(){&#10; unsigned int c = uart_getc();&#10;&#10; if ( !(c &amp; UART_NO_DATA) ) {&#10;&#10; data_in[data_count] = c;&#10;&#10; if (data_in[data_count] == 'B') { // finish reading when newline is received&#10; data_count = 0;&#10;&#10; memcpy(command_in, data_in, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; // Now clear data_in, the UART can reuse it now&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; process_command();&#10; } else {&#10; data_count++;&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;int main(void) {&#10;&#9;ports_init();&#10;&#9;timer_init();&#10; uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT(19200,F_CPU));&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10;&#9;while(1) {&#10;&#10;&#9; work_uart();&#10;&#10; if(syscounter &gt;= 200) {&#10; uart_putc('a'); // send a to receive values&#10;&#10; print_sevenseg(0, power_gen);&#10; print_sevenseg(1, power_load);&#10;&#10; syscounter = 0;&#10; }&#10;&#9;}&#10;&#9;&#10;&#9;return(0);&#10;}&#10;&#10;// system timer&#10;SIGNAL(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) {&#10;&#9;syscounter++;&#10;&#10;&#9;// output to sevensegment and leds&#10;&#9;// make this here to reduce display flicker&#10; digit++;&#10; if(digit &gt;5) digit = 0;&#10; leddigit++;&#10; if(leddigit &gt;3) leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = digitbuffer[digit];&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = _BV(digit+DIG0);&#10;&#10; LED_PORT = leddigitbuffer[leddigit];&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = _BV(leddigit);&#10;}#0;n#volatile uint8_t leddigitbuffer[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };&#10;uint8_t digit = 0;&#10;uint8_t leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10;// values send over uart from powerboard&#10;uint16_t voltage = 0;&#10;int16_t current_in = 0;&#10;int16_t current_out = 0;&#10;uint8_t dumpsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t loadsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t gensw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;&#10;uint16_t power_gen = 0;&#10;uint16_t power_load = 0;&#10;&#10;unsigned char data_count = 0;&#10;unsigned char data_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;char command_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;&#10;const uint8_t digit_translate[10] = {&#10; 63, 6, 91, 79, 102, 109, 125, 7, 127, 111&#10;};&#10;&#10;&#10;static void timer_init(void) {&#10;&#9;// clock is 8MHz&#10;&#9;TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10) ; // CTC Mode for Timer 1 (16Bit) with prescale of 64&#10;&#9;OCR1A = 250; // 500Hz&#10;&#9;TIMSK = _BV(OCIE1A);&#10;&#9;sei();&#9;// enable interrupts&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void ports_init(void) {&#10; // make column / digit driver pins to output&#10; LEDDIG_DDR |= _BV(LEDS_MID1) | _BV(LEDS_MID2) | _BV(LEDS_LOAD) | _BV(LEDS_GEN);&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_DDR |= _BV(DIG0) | _BV(DIG1) | _BV(DIG2) | _BV(DIG3) | _BV(DIG4) | _BV(DIG5);&#10;&#10; // make data ports to output&#10; LED_DDR = 0xff;&#10; SEVENSEG_DDR = 0xff;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = 0;&#10;&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; LED_PORT = 0;&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void print_sevenseg(uint8_t display, uint16_t value) {&#10; uint8_t d[3];&#10; d[2] = (value % 1000 / 100 );&#10; d[1] = (value % 100 / 10 );&#10; d[0] = (value % 10);&#10;&#10; if(display == 0) {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; } else {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i+3] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10;void pretty_print_all_values(void) {&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Voltage: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(voltage);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mV\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Load: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_out);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_load);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Generator: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_in);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_gen);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;switches (load, dump, gen): &quot;);&#10; uart_putc(48 + loadsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + dumpsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + gensw);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;}&#10;#endif&#10;&#10;void process_command() {&#10; if(strstr(command_in,&quot;A&quot;) != NULL) {&#10; // we have an A and B (from check in work_uart()&#10; // so our message should be complete and consist of:&#10; // A$voltage,$current_in,$current_out,$power_in,$power_out,loadsw,dumpsw,gensw\n&#10;&#10; //A12.5,65464,00000,00000,00000,1,0,1B&#10;&#10; char *token;&#10; uint8_t tokencounter = 0;&#10;&#10; char *start = strrchr(command_in, 'A');&#10;&#10; // remove first (B is ignored by atoi)&#10; start++;&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;from start: &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(start);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; token = strtok(start, &quot;,&quot;);&#10;&#10; while( token ) {&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;token= &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(token);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; switch(tokencounter) {&#10; case 0:&#10; voltage = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 1:&#10; current_in = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 2:&#10; current_out = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 3:&#10; power_gen = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 4:&#10; power_load = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 5:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) loadsw = 1;&#10; else loadsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 6:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) dumpsw = 1;&#10; else dumpsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 7:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) gensw = 1;&#10; else gensw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; }&#10;&#10; tokencounter++;&#10; token = strtok(NULL, &quot;,&quot;);&#10; }&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; pretty_print_all_values();&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;void work_uart(){&#10; unsigned int c = uart_getc();&#10;&#10; if ( !(c &amp; UART_NO_DATA) ) {&#10;&#10; data_in[data_count] = c;&#10;&#10; if (data_in[data_count] == 'B') { // finish reading when newline is received&#10; data_count = 0;&#10;&#10; memcpy(command_in, data_in, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; // Now clear data_in, the UART can reuse it now&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; process_command();&#10; } else {&#10; data_count++;&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;int main(void) {&#10;&#9;ports_init();&#10;&#9;timer_init();&#10; uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT(19200,F_CPU));&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10;&#9;while(1) {&#10;&#10;&#9; work_uart();&#10;&#10; if(syscounter &gt;= 200) {&#10; uart_putc('a'); // send a to receive values&#10;&#10; print_sevenseg(0, power_gen);&#10; print_sevenseg(1, power_load);&#10;&#10; syscounter = 0;&#10; }&#10;&#9;}&#10;&#9;&#10;&#9;return(0);&#10;}&#10;&#10;// system timer&#10;SIGNAL(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) {&#10;&#9;syscounter++;&#10;&#10;&#9;// output to sevensegment and leds&#10;&#9;// make this here to reduce display flicker&#10; digit++;&#10; if(digit &gt;5) digit = 0;&#10; leddigit++;&#10; if(leddigit &gt;3) leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = digitbuffer[digit];&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = _BV(digit+DIG0);&#10;&#10; LED_PORT = leddigitbuffer[leddigit];&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = _BV(leddigit);&#10;}#0;n#volatile uint8_t digitbuffer[6] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0 };&#10;volatile uint8_t leddigitbuffer[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };&#10;uint8_t digit = 0;&#10;uint8_t leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10;// values send over uart from powerboard&#10;uint16_t voltage = 0;&#10;int16_t current_in = 0;&#10;int16_t current_out = 0;&#10;uint8_t dumpsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t loadsw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;uint8_t gensw = 0; //TODO: make bitfield&#10;&#10;uint16_t power_gen = 0;&#10;uint16_t power_load = 0;&#10;&#10;unsigned char data_count = 0;&#10;unsigned char data_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;char command_in[BUFSIZE];&#10;&#10;const uint8_t digit_translate[10] = {&#10; 63, 6, 91, 79, 102, 109, 125, 7, 127, 111&#10;};&#10;&#10;&#10;static void timer_init(void) {&#10;&#9;// clock is 8MHz&#10;&#9;TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10) ; // CTC Mode for Timer 1 (16Bit) with prescale of 64&#10;&#9;OCR1A = 250; // 500Hz&#10;&#9;TIMSK = _BV(OCIE1A);&#10;&#9;sei();&#9;// enable interrupts&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void ports_init(void) {&#10; // make column / digit driver pins to output&#10; LEDDIG_DDR |= _BV(LEDS_MID1) | _BV(LEDS_MID2) | _BV(LEDS_LOAD) | _BV(LEDS_GEN);&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_DDR |= _BV(DIG0) | _BV(DIG1) | _BV(DIG2) | _BV(DIG3) | _BV(DIG4) | _BV(DIG5);&#10;&#10; // make data ports to output&#10; LED_DDR = 0xff;&#10; SEVENSEG_DDR = 0xff;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = 0;&#10;&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = 0;&#10; LED_PORT = 0;&#10;}&#10;&#10;static void print_sevenseg(uint8_t display, uint16_t value) {&#10; uint8_t d[3];&#10; d[2] = (value % 1000 / 100 );&#10; d[1] = (value % 100 / 10 );&#10; d[0] = (value % 10);&#10;&#10; if(display == 0) {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; } else {&#10; for(uint8_t i = 0; i&lt; 3; i++) {&#10; digitbuffer[i+3] = digit_translate[d[i]];&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10;void pretty_print_all_values(void) {&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Voltage: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(voltage);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mV\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Load: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_out);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_load);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;Generator: &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16(current_in);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;mA &quot;);&#10; uart_print_uint16( power_gen);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;W\r\n&quot;);&#10;&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;switches (load, dump, gen): &quot;);&#10; uart_putc(48 + loadsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + dumpsw);&#10; uart_putc(',');&#10; uart_putc(48 + gensw);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;}&#10;#endif&#10;&#10;void process_command() {&#10; if(strstr(command_in,&quot;A&quot;) != NULL) {&#10; // we have an A and B (from check in work_uart()&#10; // so our message should be complete and consist of:&#10; // A$voltage,$current_in,$current_out,$power_in,$power_out,loadsw,dumpsw,gensw\n&#10;&#10; //A12.5,65464,00000,00000,00000,1,0,1B&#10;&#10; char *token;&#10; uint8_t tokencounter = 0;&#10;&#10; char *start = strrchr(command_in, 'A');&#10;&#10; // remove first (B is ignored by atoi)&#10; start++;&#10;&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;from start: &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(start);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; token = strtok(start, &quot;,&quot;);&#10;&#10; while( token ) {&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;token= &quot;);&#10; uart_puts(token);&#10; uart_puts_P(&quot;\r\n&quot;);&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; switch(tokencounter) {&#10; case 0:&#10; voltage = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 1:&#10; current_in = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 2:&#10; current_out = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 3:&#10; power_gen = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 4:&#10; power_load = atoi(token);&#10; break;&#10; case 5:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) loadsw = 1;&#10; else loadsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 6:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) dumpsw = 1;&#10; else dumpsw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; case 7:&#10; if(atoi(token) == 1) gensw = 1;&#10; else gensw = 0;&#10; break;&#10; }&#10;&#10; tokencounter++;&#10; token = strtok(NULL, &quot;,&quot;);&#10; }&#10;#ifdef DEBUG&#10; pretty_print_all_values();&#10;#endif&#10;&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;void work_uart(){&#10; unsigned int c = uart_getc();&#10;&#10; if ( !(c &amp; UART_NO_DATA) ) {&#10;&#10; data_in[data_count] = c;&#10;&#10; if (data_in[data_count] == 'B') { // finish reading when newline is received&#10; data_count = 0;&#10;&#10; memcpy(command_in, data_in, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; // Now clear data_in, the UART can reuse it now&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10; process_command();&#10; } else {&#10; data_count++;&#10; }&#10; }&#10;}&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;int main(void) {&#10;&#9;ports_init();&#10;&#9;timer_init();&#10; uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT(19200,F_CPU));&#10; memset(data_in, 0, BUFSIZE);&#10;&#10;&#9;while(1) {&#10;&#10;&#9; work_uart();&#10;&#10; if(syscounter &gt;= 200) {&#10; uart_putc('a'); // send a to receive values&#10;&#10; print_sevenseg(0, power_gen);&#10; print_sevenseg(1, power_load);&#10;&#10; syscounter = 0;&#10; }&#10;&#9;}&#10;&#9;&#10;&#9;return(0);&#10;}&#10;&#10;// system timer&#10;SIGNAL(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) {&#10;&#9;syscounter++;&#10;&#10;&#9;// output to sevensegment and leds&#10;&#9;// make this here to reduce display flicker&#10; digit++;&#10; if(digit &gt;5) digit = 0;&#10; leddigit++;&#10; if(leddigit &gt;3) leddigit = 0;&#10;&#10; SEVENSEG_PORT = digitbuffer[digit];&#10; SEVENSEGDIG_PORT = _BV(digit+DIG0);&#10;&#10; LED_PORT = leddigitbuffer[leddigit];&#10; LEDDIG_PORT = _BV(leddigit);&#10;}#0" expanded="false" />
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<last-edited>Node.js v0.8.17 Core Modules</last-edited>
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